space food

space food
космическая пища

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "space food" в других словарях:

  • Space food — are food products, specially created and processed for consumption by astronauts in outer space.Early HistoryRussianApollo Soyuz Test Project (1975)The astronauts of the Apollo Soyuz Test Project received samples of Soviet space food when the… …   Wikipedia

  • Space science — is an all encompassing term that describes all of the various science fields that are concerned with the study of the Universe, generally also meaning excluding the Earth and outside of the Earth s atmosphere . Originally, all of these fields… …   Wikipedia

  • Food processing — is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes… …   Wikipedia

  • Space colonization — Artist Les Bossinas 1989 concept of Mars mission Space colonization (also called space settlement, space humanization, or space habitation) is the concept of permanent human habitation outside of Earth. Although hypothetical at the present time,… …   Wikipedia

  • space — spacer, n. /spays/, n., v., spaced, spacing, adj. n. 1. the unlimited or incalculably great three dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. 2. the portion or extent of this in a given instance;… …   Universalium

  • Food Rocks — est une ancienne attraction du pavillon The Land à EPCOT présentée par Nestlé. C était un spectacle musical avec des personnages audio animatronics. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 L attraction 3 Le saviez vous ? …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Space Goofs — Genre Comedy Format Animation Created by Jean Yves Raimbaud Philippe Traversat Starring Maurice LaMarche Charlie Adler Jeff Be …   Wikipedia

  • Food coloring — spreading on a thin water film in the International Space Station. Food coloring is a substance, liquid or powder, that is added to food and/or drink to change its color. Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic… …   Wikipedia

  • Space solar power — Space based solar power (SBSP or SSP) is the conversion of solar energy into power, usable either in space or on earth, from a location in space, usually geosynchronous orbit (GSO). Photovoltaics (PV) would generally be utilized for energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Food vs fuel — is the dilemma regarding the risk of diverting farmland or crops for biofuels production in detriment of the food supply on a global scale. The food vs. fuel or food or fuel debate is internationally controversial, with good and valid arguments… …   Wikipedia

  • Space Mountain: Mission 2 — Space Mountain Pour les articles homonymes, voir Space Mountain (homonymie). Space Mountain est l une des attractions phares des parcs à thèmes de Disney. Elle a été reproduite dans chacun des Royaumes Enchantés dans le land, Tomorrowland ou… …   Wikipédia en Français

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