space exploration

space exploration
космические исследования;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "space exploration" в других словарях:

  • Space exploration — is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. [cite web | url = ex/exploration.html | title = How Space is Explored | publisher = NASA] Physical exploration of space is conducted …   Wikipedia

  • space exploration — Investigation of the universe beyond Earth s atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany s research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to… …   Universalium

  • Space Exploration Initiative — For other uses, see SEI (disambiguation). Artistic Conception of Space Station Freedom with the STS Orbiter Vehicle Alan Chinchar s 1991 rendition of for NASA On July 20, 1989, the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, George H. W. Bush …   Wikipedia

  • Space Exploration Alliance — On June 3, 2004, thirteen of the United States premier space advocacy groups, industry associations and space policy organizations teamed up to form an umbrella organization known as the Space Exploration Alliance. The primary purpose of the SEA… …   Wikipedia

  • Space Exploration Technologies — SpaceX SpaceX (ou Space Exploration Technologies Corporation) est une jeune entreprise américaine de l aérospatiale. Elle est l un des deux prestataires privés à qui la NASA a confié un contrat de transport vers la station spatiale internationale …   Wikipédia en Français

  • space exploration — noun Investigation of interplanetary or interstellar space, its properties, biology and the bodies that exist within it …   Wiktionary

  • Topic outline of space exploration — Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. [cite web | url = ex/exploration.html | title = How Space is Explored | publisher = NASA] Physical exploration of… …   Wikipedia

  • Vision for Space Exploration — Cover page of report of Aldridge Commission, Report of the President s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy, 2004 The Vision for Space Exploration (VSE) is the United States space policy which was announced on… …   Wikipedia

  • Outline of space exploration — The European Space Agency s Columbus Module at the International Space Station, launched into space on the U.S. Space Shuttle mission STS 122 in 2008. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to space exploration:… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep space exploration — This high resolution image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field includes galaxies of various ages, sizes, shapes, and colors. The smallest, reddest galaxies, are some of the most distant galaxies to have been imaged by an optical telescope Deep space… …   Wikipedia

  • Vision for Space Exploration — La Vision for Space Exploration («Visión para la exploración espacial») es una política espacial de Estados Unidos anunciada el 14 de enero de 2004 por el entonces Presidente George W. Bush como documento base para el desarrollo futuro de las… …   Wikipedia Español

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