- soy-bean
- ˈsɔɪbi:n = soya = soya soy-bean = soya soy-bean = soya soya: soya соевый боб ~ соя
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
soy|bean — «SOY BEEN», noun. 1. a bean native to Asia, now grown in other parts of the world. Soybeans are used in making flour and oil and as a food. 2. the plant that it grows on, used as fodder for cattle. It belongs to the pea family. Also, soja, soja… … Useful english dictionary
soy bean — or soya bean noun • • • Main Entry: ↑soy … Useful english dictionary
soy bean — also soya bean noun (C) / .. . / the bean of an Asian plant from which oil and food containing a lot of protein is produced … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
soy·bean — /ˈsoıˌbiːn/ noun, pl beans [count] US : the bean of an Asian plant that contains a large amount of protein and that is used as a food called also (Brit) soya bean … Useful english dictionary
soy bean — noun A variant form of soybean … Wiktionary
soy bean — see soybean … English dictionary
soy bean — n. leguminous annual herb native to southeast Asia (grown to improve soil, to provide forage for livestock and for its nutritious seeds); nutritious edible seed of the soybean plant … English contemporary dictionary
Soy sauce — A bottle of Japanese soy sauce Chinese name Traditional Chinese 1. 醬油 2. 荳油 3. 豉油 … Wikipedia
Soy milk — (also called soya milk, soybean milk, or soy juice) and sometimes referred to as soy drink/beverage is a beverage made from soy beans. A stable emulsion of oil, water and protein, it is produced by soaking dry soybeans, and grinding them with… … Wikipedia
Soy protein — is generally regarded as the storage protein held in discrete particles called protein bodies which are estimated to contain at least 60–70% of the total soybean protein. Upon germination of the soybean, the protein will be digested and the… … Wikipedia
soy — Soybean Soy bean (soi b[=e]n ), n. 1. (Bot.) An Asiatic leguminous herb ({Glycine max}, formerly {Glycine Soja}) the seeds of which (also called {soy beans}) are used in preparing the sauce called {soy}. Called also {soya bean} and {soya}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English