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SAGE (Soviet-American Gallium Experiment) — SAGE (Soviet–American Gallium Experiment, or sometimes Russian American Gallium Experiment) is a collaborative experiment devised by several prominent Physicists to measure the solar neutrino flux.The ExperimentSAGE was devised to measure the… … Wikipedia
AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE — (known as JDC or The Joint), independent, non political American Jewish relief and welfare organization dedicated to providing both emergency aid and long term assistance to individual Jews and Jewish communities throughout the world outside… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Soviet atomic bomb project — The fathers of the Soviet nuclear program, Dr. Andrei Sakharov (left) with Dr. Igor Kurchatov (right) … Wikipedia
Soviet invasion of Manchuria — (1945) Part of World War II and Soviet Japanese War (1945) Soviet gains in North E … Wikipedia
Soviet Armed Forces — Soviet Armed Forces … Wikipedia
Soviet war crimes — gives a short overview about serious crimes committed by the Red Army s (1918 1946, later Soviet Army) leadership and an unknown number of single members of the Soviet armed forces from 1919 to 1990 inclusive including those in Eastern Europe in… … Wikipedia
Soviet historiography — is the history of the academic study of history as written by scholars of the Soviet Union. [It is not the history of the Soviet Union. See definitions of historiography for more details.] Soviet history mostly served to promote Communist… … Wikipedia
American Councils for International Education — is an international, non profit, educational organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices and / or representative branches in over 25 countries, including most of the countries of the former Soviet Union [American Councils for… … Wikipedia
American Relief Administration — was an American relief mission to Europe and later Soviet Russia after World War I. Herbert Hoover, future president of the United States, was the program director.The ARA s immediate predecessor was Committee for Relief in Belgium, also headed… … Wikipedia
American exceptionalism — refers to the theory that the United States is qualitatively different from other countries. In this view, America s exceptionalism stems from its emergence from a revolution, becoming the first new nation, [1] and developing a uniquely American… … Wikipedia
Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact — Soviet Japanese Neutrality Pact, 13 April 1941 … Wikipedia