source of heat
Смотреть что такое "source of heat" в других словарях:
Earth-Coupled Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump — A type of heat pump that uses sealed horizontal or vertical pipes, buried in the ground, as heat exchangers through which a fluid is circulated to transfer heat … Energy terms
Heat pump and refrigeration cycle — Thermodynamic heat pump and refrigeration cycles are the models for heat pumps and refrigerators. The difference between a heat pump and a normal air conditioner is that a heat pump can be used to heat a home as well as cool it. Even though the… … Wikipedia
Heat spreader — A heat spreader is most often simply a copper plate, having high thermal conductivity. Functionally, it is a primary heat exchanger that moves heat between a heat source and a secondary heat exchanger. The secondary heat exchanger is always… … Wikipedia
Heat equation — The heat equation is an important partial differential equation which describes the distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region over time. For a function of three spatial variables ( x , y , z ) and one time variable t ,… … Wikipedia
heat — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 being hot/level of temperature ADJECTIVE ▪ burning, fierce (esp. BrE), great, intense, searing, terrible, tremendous ▪ The soil is baked dry by the fierce … Collocations dictionary
Heat Regenerative Cyclone Engine — The Heat Regenerative Cyclone Engine is a new approach to an old design, the steam engine developed by James Watt in the 18th century. Like Watt s invention, the Cyclone Engine works according to the principles of external combustion: the working … Wikipedia
heat — [[t]hi͟ːt[/t]] ♦♦ heats, heating, heated 1) VERB When you heat something, you raise its temperature, for example by using a flame or a special piece of equipment. [V n] Meanwhile, heat the tomatoes and oil in a pan. [V n] ...a gas that absorbs… … English dictionary
heat — [[t]hit[/t]] n. 1) the condition or quality of being hot; the state of a body having or generating a high degree of warmth 2) degree of hotness; temperature: moderate heat[/ex] 3) the sensation of warmth or hotness 4) a bodily temperature higher… … From formal English to slang
heat-seeker — A sensitive IR (infrared) detector and homing guidance system that can detect and lock onto a heat source. Modern heat seekers can lock onto aerodynamic heating of the aircraft skin. A heat seeker is an integral part of IR missiles and infrared… … Aviation dictionary
Heat transfer — is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the exchange of thermal energy from one physical system to another. Heat transfer is classified into various mechanisms, such as heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and phase change … Wikipedia
Heat recovery ventilation — (also known as a heat exchanger, air exchanger or air to air exchanger) is a ventilation system that employs a counter flow heat exchanger between the inbound and outbound air flow. HRV provide fresh air and improved climate control, while also… … Wikipedia