source filter

source filter
входной фильтр (фильтр, принимающий данные от источника и передающий их на вход фильтрующего графа)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "source filter" в других словарях:

  • Source-filter model of speech production — The source filter model of speech production models speech as a combination of a sound source, such as the vocal cords, and a filter, the vocal tract (and radiation characteristic).While only an approximation, the model is widely used in a number …   Wikipedia

  • Filter (optics) — Coloured and Neutral Density filters Optical filters are devices which selectively transmit light of different wavelengths, usually implemented as plane glass or plastic devices in the optical path which are either dyed in the mass or have… …   Wikipedia

  • Filter feeder — [ left|thumb|200px|Krill feeding under high phytoplankton concentration (slowed down by a factor of 12).] Filter feeders (also known as suspension feeders) are animals that feed by straining suspended matter and food particles from water,… …   Wikipedia

  • Filter graph — A filter graph is used in multimedia processing. For example to capture video from a webcam. Filters take input, process it or change the input, and then output the process data. An example of a filter, would be a video codec that takes raw… …   Wikipedia

  • filter — filterer, n. /fil teuhr/, n. 1. any substance, as cloth, paper, porous porcelain, or a layer of charcoal or sand, through which liquid or gas is passed to remove suspended impurities or to recover solids. 2. any device, as a tank or tube,… …   Universalium

  • Source Four — The ETC (Electronic Theatre Controls) Source Four (also known unofficially as Source 4 or S4 ) is an ellipsoidal reflector spotlight, a type of spotlight used in stage lighting. The ETC Source Four revolutionized stage lighting in 1992 cite news… …   Wikipedia

  • Source Mage GNU/Linux — multiple issues primarysources = July 2008 original research = July 2008 infobox OS name = developer = Source Mage GNU/Linux Community family = Linux source model = Open source working state = Current latest release version = latest… …   Wikipedia

  • filter factor — noun : a number by which the normal exposure time must be multiplied to compensate for the use of a color filter with a given photographic material and source of illumination * * * Photog. a number indicating the increased exposure that a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • filter — [14] Ultimately, filter is the same word as felt – and indeed that is what it first meant in English (‘They dwell all in tents made of black filter’, John Mandeville, Travels 1400). It comes via Old French filtre from medieval Latin filtrum,… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • filter — [14] Ultimately, filter is the same word as felt – and indeed that is what it first meant in English (‘They dwell all in tents made of black filter’, John Mandeville, Travels 1400). It comes via Old French filtre from medieval Latin filtrum,… …   Word origins

  • Sallen-Key-Filter — Sallen Key Filterstruktur eines Tiefpassfilters, Mitkopplungsstruktur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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