Смотреть что такое "souped-up" в других словарях:
Souped Up — «Souped Up» Canción de Michael Giacchino Álbum Ratatouille Soundtrack Publicación 26 de junio de 2007 Grabación … Wikipedia Español
souped-up — adj a souped up car has been made more powerful … Dictionary of contemporary English
souped-up — [ ,supt ʌp ] adjective INFORMAL made faster or more powerful or effective: a souped up engine … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
souped-up — adjective informal increase the power and efficiency of an engine. ↘make something more elaborate or impressive. → soup souped up adjective informal increase the power and efficiency of an engine. → soup … English new terms dictionary
souped-up — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from past participle of soup up, v. 1. : augmented in power or efficiency souped up outboards have given new zoom to the water ski business Newsweek racing … at 100 miles per hour in souped up jalopies Information… … Useful english dictionary
souped-up — {adj.}, {informal} More powerful or faster because of changes and additions. * /Many teen aged boys like to drive souped up cars./ * /The basketball team won the last five games with souped up plays./ … Dictionary of American idioms
souped-up — {adj.}, {informal} More powerful or faster because of changes and additions. * /Many teen aged boys like to drive souped up cars./ * /The basketball team won the last five games with souped up plays./ … Dictionary of American idioms
souped-up — adj informal More powerful or faster because of changes and additions. Many teen aged boys like to drive souped up cars. The basketball team won the last five games with souped up plays … Словарь американских идиом
souped-up — adjective a souped up car has been made more powerful, especially by adding special parts to the engine: a souped up Mustang … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
souped up — mod. made more powerful. □ That souped up car of John’s sure makes a lot of noise. □ Why do all cars driven by males under the age of twenty have to be souped up? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
souped-up — changing and adding something to make it more powerful or faster He bought a souped up car when he was a teenager … Idioms and examples