Soundly — Sound ly, adv. In a sound manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
soundly — [[t]sa͟ʊndli[/t]] 1) ADV GRADED: ADV ed If someone is soundly defeated or beaten, they are defeated or beaten thoroughly. Needing just a point from their match at St.Helens, they were soundly beaten, going down by 35 points to 10. 2) ADV GRADED:… … English dictionary
soundly — sound|ly [ saundli ] adverb 1. ) in a way that is strong and reliable: soundly based/established/financed soundly built/constructed 2. ) thoroughly: soundly beaten/defeated/rejected: The Trojans were soundly beaten by the Wildcats in last night s … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
soundly — UK [ˈsaʊn(d)lɪ] / US adverb 1) in a way that is strong and reliable soundly based/established/financed soundly built/constructed 2) if you sleep soundly, you sleep well and it is not easy to wake you 3) used to emphasize how completely something… … English dictionary
soundly — sound|ly [ˈsaundli] adv 1.) if you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and peacefully ▪ The baby slept soundly all night. 2.) soundly defeated/beaten/thrashed completely defeated or severely punished ▪ The Republicans were soundly defeated … Dictionary of contemporary English
soundly — adverb 1 if you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and peacefully: The baby slept soundly all night. 2 soundly beaten/whipped/defeated completely defeated or severely punished: The Green candidate was soundly beaten … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
soundly — adverb 1. deeply or completely slept soundly through the storm the baby is sleeping soundly • Derived from adjective: ↑sound 2. completely and absolutely ( good is sometimes used informally for thoroughly ) he was soundly defeated we beat him… … Useful english dictionary
soundly — adv. Soundly is used with these adjectives: ↑asleep Soundly is used with these verbs: ↑beat, ↑defeat, ↑kiss, ↑reject, ↑sleep, ↑thrash, ↑whip … Collocations dictionary
soundly — [ˈsaʊn(d)li] adv 1) if you sleep soundly, you sleep well and it is difficult to wake you 2) thoroughly soundly beaten/defeated/rejected[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
soundly — Ⅰ. sound [1] ► NOUN 1) vibrations which travel through the air or another medium and are sensed by the ear. 2) a thing that can be heard. 3) music, speech, and sound effects accompanying a film or broadcast. 4) an idea or impression conveyed by… … English terms dictionary
soundly — adverb In a thorough manner, firmly, completely. He was soundly thrashed by the semi professional boxer … Wiktionary