Смотреть что такое "soundingboard" в других словарях:
soundingboard — sounding board n. 1. Music. a. A thin board forming the upper portion of the resonant chamber in an instrument, such as a violin or piano, and serving to increase resonance. b. A structure placed behind or over a podium or platform to reflect… … Universalium
Miko — For the European human name, see Miko (name). Miko (巫女?, literally shaman woman ) is a Japanese term that anciently meant a female shaman, spirit medium who conveyed oracles from kami ( spirits; gods ), and currently means a shrine maiden; virgin … Wikipedia
Music of Samoa — Lali, Samoan wooden log drums,each 2m long used to beat out sound and signal times in villages. These are still in use at Piula Theological College on Upolu island. The music of Samoa is integral to life in the country. The most important and… … Wikipedia
Hunter Lewis — was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1947 and graduated from the Groton School and Harvard University (AB 1969). After working at the Boston Company, then one of the largest investment managers, first as assistant to the president and then vice president … Wikipedia