sound truck
Смотреть что такое "sound truck" в других словарях:
sound truck — sound′ truck n. a truck carrying a loudspeaker from which speeches, music, etc., are broadcast, as in political campaigning … From formal English to slang
sound truck — ☆ sound truck n. a truck or van with amplifiers, loudspeakers, etc., used on the streets for disseminating political statements or appeals, advertising announcements, etc … English World dictionary
sound truck — noun a truck equipped with a loudspeaker and used for advertising • Hypernyms: ↑truck, ↑motortruck * * * noun : a truck equipped with a loudspeaker for broadcasting speeches or music (as for an advertising purpose or in a political campaign)… … Useful english dictionary
Sound truck — A sound truck is a vehicle equipped with loudspeakers, typically used to play loud political or commercial messages, but are also used in evacuations. The use of sound trucks for advertising is illegal in many jurisdictions.See Kovacs v. Cooper,… … Wikipedia
sound truck — {n. phr.} A truck equipped with loudspeakers. * /During the senatorial campaign, the streets of the big city were full of sound trucks blaring out messages./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sound truck — {n. phr.} A truck equipped with loudspeakers. * /During the senatorial campaign, the streets of the big city were full of sound trucks blaring out messages./ … Dictionary of American idioms
sound\ truck — n. phr. A truck equipped with loudspeakers. During the senatorial campaign, the streets of the big city were full of sound trucks blaring out messages … Словарь американских идиом
sound truck — Synonyms and related words: Gramophone, PA, PA system, Victrola, audio sound system, audiophile, binaural system, bitch box, bullhorn, cartridge, ceramic pickup, changer, crystal pickup, derived four channel system, discrete four channel system,… … Moby Thesaurus
sound truck — noun Date: 1936 a truck equipped with a loudspeaker … New Collegiate Dictionary
sound truck — a truck carrying a loudspeaker from which speeches, music, etc., are broadcast, as for advertising, campaigning, or the like. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
sound truck — noun A vehicle equipped with loudspeakers, used for advertizing … Wiktionary