sound record

sound record

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sound record" в других словарях:

  • Gens Sound Record — (GSR) is a new file format for the storage of Sega GenesisMega Drive music. It is more efficient than GYM in that the format stores DAC samples on an indexed table so they can be reused during the playback, avoiding redundancy and saving a lot of …   Wikipedia

  • Wall of Sound (record label) — Wall of Sound is an alternative record label from the United Kingdom, founded by Mark Jones. It started out producing electronic music genres such as big beat and ambient, but has now diversified to include some indie and hip hop artists. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • sound track — ▪ recording       in motion picture technology, narrow band, usually along the margin of the film, that carries the photographic or magnetic sound record. In optical recording (optical sound recording) systems, sound waves modulate a beam of… …   Universalium

  • sound track — noun Date: 1928 1. a track (as on a motion picture film or television videotape) that carries the sound record 2. the sound recorded on a sound track; especially the music on a sound track …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sound track — noun : the area on a motion picture film that carries the photographic or magnetic sound record compare sound stripe * * * sound track, a recording of the sounds of words, music, and action, made along one edge of a motion picture film. It is… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sound Master Positive — F/A/V A sound print on made from the sound negative for producing duplicate negatives of the sound record track for release printing …   Audio and video glossary

  • Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… …   Wikipedia

  • Sound-O-Mat (label) — Sound O Mat Recordings In 2000, a new division of The Sound O Mat Studio was started with the addition of a boutique independent record label operating under the same name (which has unfortunately led to some confusion.) Its purpose was to… …   Wikipedia

  • Record restoration — Record restoration, a particular kind of audio restoration, is the process of converting the analog signal stored on gramophone records (either 78 rpm shellac, or 45 and 33⅓ rpmvinyl) into digital audio files that can then be edited with computer …   Wikipedia

  • Record collecting — is the hobby of collecting music. Although the main focus is on vinyl records, all formats of recorded music are collected. Contents 1 History 2 Intended audience 3 Scope of collection 4 Notab …   Wikipedia

  • Record producer — A Danish recording session Occupation Names Record Producer Recording Artist …   Wikipedia

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