sound off

sound off

1) разг. болтать;
распространяться (о чем-л.) I could hear Father sounding off on his favourite subject again. ≈ Я услышал, как отец снова начал говорить на свою любимую тему.
2) разг. хвастаться, преувеличивать He sounded off about his tennis on. ≈ Он хвастался тем, как занимается теннисом.
3) воен. подавать сигнал Ask the musician to sound off, and then we can start. ≈ Сделай знак музыкантам, и мы начинаем. болтать;
распространяться (о чем-либо) (громко) жаловаться или возмущаться;
критиковать - to * about smth. высказывать свое недовольство чем-либо - TV viewers * телезрители предъявляют свои претензии (about) похваляться;
преувеличивать - he sounded off about his golf он хвастал своей игрой в гольф (военное) подавать сигнал - *, drummer! играй, барабанщик! (военное) подавать сигнал начала и окончания торжественного прохода (на параде) (военное) играть отбой (военное) считать такт (на марше) (военное) откликаться (на перекличке) преим. (повелительный) замолчать, заткнуться - *! заткнись!, брось трепаться!

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "sound off" в других словарях:

  • sound off — {v.} 1. To say your name or count One! Two! Three! Four! as you march. Used as orders in U.S. military service. * / Sound off! said the sergeant, and the soldiers shouted, One! Two! Three! Four! with each step as they marched./ 2. {informal} To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sound off — {v.} 1. To say your name or count One! Two! Three! Four! as you march. Used as orders in U.S. military service. * / Sound off! said the sergeant, and the soldiers shouted, One! Two! Three! Four! with each step as they marched./ 2. {informal} To… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sound off — verb 1. express one s opinion openly and without fear or hesitation (Freq. 1) John spoke up at the meeting • Syn: ↑opine, ↑speak up, ↑speak out, ↑animadvert • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • sound off — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms sound off : present tense I/you/we/they sound off he/she/it sounds off present participle sounding off past tense sounded off past participle sounded off to express your opinions loudly, especially in an… …   English dictionary

  • sound off — v. (colloq.) (D; intr.) to sound off against ( to criticize ) (to sound off against an idea) * * * [ saʊnd ɒf] (colloq.) (D; intr.) to sound off against (to sound off against an idea; to criticize ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • sound\ off — v 1. To say your name or count One! two! three! Four! as you march. Used as orders in U.S. military service. Sound off! said the sergeant, and the soldiers shouted, One! two! three! Four! with each step as they marched. 2. informal To tell what… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sound off — to express your opinion forcefully. On the Internet, people can sound off, in real time, about whatever they want …   New idioms dictionary

  • sound off (about something) — ˌsound ˈoff (about sth) derived (informal, disapproving) to express your opinions loudly or in an aggressive way • He s always sounding off about falling standards in education. Main entry: ↑sound …   Useful english dictionary

  • sound off (about something) — 1. in. to omplain about something; to gripe about something. □ You are always sounding off about something that gripes your soul. D Just sound off ifyou’ve got a beef. 2. in. to speak out of turn about something. □ Who asked you to sound off… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • sound off — PHRASAL VERB (disapproval) If someone sounds off, they express their opinions strongly and rather rudely without being asked. [INFORMAL] [V P about/on n] It is surprising how many people start sounding off about something without really deciding… …   English dictionary

  • sound off — complain, get it off your chest, speak out    He was sounding off about our papers how bad they were …   English idioms

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