sound board
Смотреть что такое "sound board" в других словарях:
Sound-board — n. A sounding board. [1913 Webster] To many a row of pipes the sound board breathes. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sound|board — «SOWND BRD, BOHRD», noun. 1. a thin, resonant piece of wood forming part of a musical instrument such as a violin or piano, to increase the fullness of its tone. 2. = sounding board (def. 1). (Cf. ↑sounding board) … Useful english dictionary
Sound Board — [engl.], Soundkarte … Universal-Lexikon
sound board — noun or sound card : a circuit board in a computer system designed to produce or reproduce sound … Useful english dictionary
sound-board — англ. [са/ундбоод] 1) виндлада воздухораспред. камера в органе 2) верхняя дека у струнных инструм. ◊ sounding board [са/ундинг бо/од] резонансная дека … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
sound board — expansion board for personal computers which can receive and output digital sounds or synthesize sounds … English contemporary dictionary
sound board — noun see soundboard 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
sound-board — … Useful english dictionary
Jimmy Buffett sound board live albums — are a series of live albums by American singer songwriter Jimmy Buffett recorded directly from the sound board without further editing thus resembling bootleg recordings. The albums were recorded at various concerts throughout the United States… … Wikipedia
Board — may refer to: *Board, a piece of lumber, or other rigid material made of wood, milled or sawn flat *Surfboard, skateboard, or snowboard (often made of fibreglass) *Board of directors or a similar governing or advisory committee *Mixing console,… … Wikipedia
Sound operator — The sound operator (also commonly called production audio engineer, audio engineer, sound board operator, sound technician, sound mixer or A1) is the person responsible for the overall and total execution of the sound design during a theatrical… … Wikipedia