- sororicide
- убийство сестры убийца сестры sorority женская организация;
женское общество;
женская община;
женское землячество (в университете)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sororicide — (from Latin soror sister + cide , from caedere to cut, to kill ) is the act of killing one s own sister.There are a number of examples of sororicide and fratricide (the killing of one s brother) in adolescents, even pre adolescents, where sibling … Wikipedia
Sororicide — So*ror i*cide (?; 277), n. [L. sororocida, and sororicidium; soror a sister + caedere to kill.] The murder of one s sister; also, one who murders or kills one s own sister. Johnson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sororicide — [sə rôr′ə sīd΄] n. 1. [LL sororicidium < L soror, SISTER + caedere, to strike, kill] the act of murdering one s own sister 2. [L sororicida] a person who does this sororicidal adj … English World dictionary
sororicide — (so ro ri si d ) s. m. 1° Meurtre d une soeur. 2° Meurtrier de sa soeur. • Romulus qui fut allaité D une louve, fut fratricide ; Horace fut sororicide, SCARR. Poés. div. Oeuvr. t. VII, p. 147. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat. sororicida, de soror, soeur … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
sororicide — sororicidal, adj. /seuh rawr euh suyd , ror /, n. 1. a person who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s own sister. [1650 60; < L sororicida one who kills his sister, cidium the act of killing one s sister, equiv. to soror (s. of… … Universalium
sororicide — noun a) the killing of ones sister b) a person who kills his/her sister … Wiktionary
sororicide — killing of one s own sister Killing and Killers … Phrontistery dictionary
sororicide — n. murder one s sister; one who murders one s own sister … English contemporary dictionary
sororicide — so·ror·i·cide … English syllables
sororicide — so•ror•i•cide [[t]səˈrɔr əˌsaɪd, ˈrɒr [/t]] n. 1) a person who kills his or her sister 2) the act of killing one s own sister • Etymology: 1650–60; < L … From formal English to slang
sororicide — /səˈrɒrəsaɪd/ (say suh roruhsuyd), / ˈrɔ / (say raw ) noun 1. someone who kills his or her sister. 2. the act of killing one s sister. {Latin sorōricīda (def. 1), sorōricīdium (def. 2). See cide} –sororicidal, adjective …