sore subject
Смотреть что такое "sore subject" в других словарях:
sore subject — sensitive topic, painful topic … English contemporary dictionary
sore´ness — sore «sr, sohr», adjective, sor|er, sor|est, noun, adverb. –adj. 1. causing sharp or continuous pain; painful; aching; smarting; tender: » … Useful english dictionary
sore´ly — sore «sr, sohr», adjective, sor|er, sor|est, noun, adverb. –adj. 1. causing sharp or continuous pain; painful; aching; smarting; tender: » … Useful english dictionary
(a) sore subject — a sore point/spot/subject/ phrase something that makes you upset, angry, or embarrassed when someone mentions it Don’t mention her divorce – it’s a bit of a sore point. Thesaurus: miscellaneous bad thingshyponym disappointments … Useful english dictionary
sore — /sɔ / (say saw) adjective (sorer, sorest) 1. physically painful or sensitive, as a wound, hurt, diseased part, etc. 2. suffering bodily pain from wounds, bruises, etc., as a person. 3. suffering mental pain; grieved, distressed, or sorrowful: to… …
sore — soreness, n. /sawr, sohr/, adj., sorer, sorest, n., adv. adj. 1. physically painful or sensitive, as a wound, hurt, or diseased part: a sore arm. 2. suffering bodily pain from wounds, bruises, etc., as a person: He is sore because of all that… … Universalium
sore — I. adjective (sorer; sorest) Etymology: Middle English sor, from Old English sār; akin to Old High German sēr sore and probably to Old Irish saeth distress Date: before 12th century 1. a. causing pain or distress < a sore subject > b. painfully… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sore — [[t]sɔr, soʊr[/t]] adj. sor•er, sor•est, n. adv. 1) pat physically painful or sensitive, as a wound or diseased part: a sore arm[/ex] 2) pat suffering bodily pain from wounds, bruises, etc 3) pat psi suffering mental pain; grieved or distressed:… … From formal English to slang
sore point — noun A subject about which someone feels touchy, angry or aggrieved • • • Main Entry: ↑sore * * * a subject or issue about which someone feels distressed or annoyed the glamorous image of their paramilitary rivals was always a sore point with the … Useful english dictionary
sore\ point — • sore spot • sore point noun A weak or sensitive part; a subject or thing about which someone becomes angry or upset easily. Don t ask Uncle John why his business failed; it s a sore spot with him. Compare: where the shoe pinches … Словарь американских идиом
sore\ spot — • sore spot • sore point noun A weak or sensitive part; a subject or thing about which someone becomes angry or upset easily. Don t ask Uncle John why his business failed; it s a sore spot with him. Compare: where the shoe pinches … Словарь американских идиом