Смотреть что такое "sophs" в других словарях:
sophs — soph (sophomore) sÉ‘f /sÉ’f n. second year student at a high school or university … English contemporary dictionary
Medway-Sydenham Hall — (also referred to as Med Syd or MSH) is a co ed residence at the University of Western Ontario (UWO). It is the second largest residence on campus, home to about 613 students. It is also the oldest residence still operating on campus. The MSH… … Wikipedia
Saugeen-Maitland Hall — is a co ed students residence at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. It is currently home to 1252 students and is the largest student residence on campus. Saugeen Maitland Hall is actually a combination of two residences … Wikipedia
Camp Kinder Ring — is a Jewish Summer camp located in Hopewell Junction, New York. It is run by The Workmen s Circle/Arbeter Ring. About Kinder Ring was founded in 1927 by The Workmen s Circle/Arbeter Ring following the loss of its previous summer camp, Camp… … Wikipedia
Sophister — Soph ist*er, n. 1. A sophist. See {Sophist}. [Obs.] Hooker. [1913 Webster] 2. (Eng. Univ.) A student who is advanced beyond the first year of his residence. [1913 Webster] Note: The entire course at the university consists of three years and one… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hans Soph — Porträt von Hans Soph auf einer eigenen Lithographie um 1910 Johann (Hans) Nepomuk Soph (* 19. Januar 1869 in Platten; † 29. Januar 1954 in Zwickau) war ein deutscher Komponist, erzgebirgischer Mundartdichter und kunstgewerblicher Porzellanmaler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Матч всех звёзд НБА 2009 года — Дата: 15 февраля 2009 Арена: ЮС Эйрвейс центр Город: Финикс, Аризона … Википедия
University of Florida — Infobox University name=University of Florida motto= Civium in moribus rei publicae salus (Latin) mottoeng=The welfare of the state depends upon the morals of its citizens established=1853 type=Public calendar=Semester chairman=Dianna Fuller… … Wikipedia
The Dunciad — Alexander Pope The Dunciad /ˈd … Wikipedia
2009 NBA All-Star Game — 2009 NBA All Star Game … Wikipedia
Traditions of the University of Trinity College — The Traditions of the University of Trinity College are diverse and for the most part unique within the University of Toronto. Many of the traditions seem archaic and bizarre to outsiders, yet are a cherished part of daily life for many students… … Wikipedia