- sophism
- ˈsɔfɪzm сущ. софизм Syn : sophistry софизм софистика, софистическая аргументация sophism софизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sophism — can mean two very different things: In the modern definition, a sophism is a confusing or illogical argument used for deceiving someone. In Ancient Greece, the sophists were a group of teachers of philosophy and rhetoric.The term sophism… … Wikipedia
Sophism — Soph ism, n. [F. sophisme, L. sophisma, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to make wise, ? to be become wise, to play the sophist, fr. ? wise.] The doctrine or mode of reasoning practiced by a sophist; hence, any fallacy designed to deceive. [1913 Webster] When a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sophism — mid 14c., specious but fallacious argument, from O.Fr. sophime a fallacy, false argument, from L. sophisma, from Gk. sophisma sophism, clever device, from sophizesthai become wise (see SOPHIST (Cf. sophist)) … Etymology dictionary
sophism — index fallacy, non sequitur Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
sophism — sophistry, casuistry, *fallacy … New Dictionary of Synonyms
sophism — ► NOUN ▪ a false argument, especially one used to deceive. ORIGIN Greek sophisma clever device , from sophizesthai devise, become wise … English terms dictionary
sophism — [säf′iz΄əm] n. [altered (infl. by L) < ME sophime < OFr soffime < L sophisma < Gr < sophizesthai, to play the sophist < sophos, clever, skillful, wise] a clever and plausible but fallacious argument or form of reasoning, whether … English World dictionary
sophism — n. deceptive or fallacious argument. ♦ sophist, n. fallacious arguer. ♦ sophistic(al), a. ♦ sophisticate, v.i. make artificial or worldly; corrupt. ♦ sopyistry, n. sophism, or use of sophism; mere empty argument … Dictionary of difficult words
sophism — noun Date: 15th century 1. an argument apparently correct in form but actually invalid; especially such an argument used to deceive 2. sophistry 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary
sophism — /sof iz euhm/, n. 1. a specious argument for displaying ingenuity in reasoning or for deceiving someone. 2. any false argument; fallacy. [1300 50; < L sophisma sophistry < Gk sóphisma orig., acquired skill, method, deriv. of sophízesthai to act… … Universalium
sophism — noun A flawed argument superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive. An intentional fallacy. See Also: sophist, sophistic, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophistry … Wiktionary