soothing agent
Смотреть что такое "soothing agent" в других словарях:
Soothing — Bringing comfort, solace, reassurance, peace, composure, quietude. To soothe is to allay, balm, becalm, calm, compose, lull, quiet, settle, still, or tranquilize. In medicine, an agent that is soothing is called a demulcent … Medical dictionary
Demulcent — Soothing. The word demulcent comes from the Latin verb, demulcere meaning to caress. Something that is demulcent is caressing. The term demulcent refers to an agent, such as an oil, that forms a soothing film when administered onto the surface of … Medical dictionary
abirritant — /ab ir i teuhnt/, Med. n. 1. a soothing medication. adj. 2. relieving or lessening irritation; soothing. [1875 80; AB + IRRITANT] * * * abirritant, a. and n. Med. (æbˈɪrɪtənt) [f. L. ab off, away + … Useful english dictionary
Honey — For other uses, see Honey (disambiguation). Jars of honey and honeycomb … Wikipedia
balm — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. balsam, salve; analgesic, sedative, anodyne. See moderation, remedy, compensation, odor. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Anything healing and soothing] Syn. solace, consolation, comfort, relief, easement,… … English dictionary for students
balm — [n1] oily substance analgesic, application, balsam, cerate, compound, cream, demulcent, dressing, embrocation, emollient, formula, lotion, medicine, ointment, potion, poultice, preparation, prescription, salve, soother, soothing agent, unction,… … New thesaurus
emollient — [adj] soothing balsamic, demulcent, healing, lenitive, palliative, relieving, remedial, softening; concepts 7,22,110,384 emollient [n] lotion balm, cream, lenitive, liniment, moisturizer, oil, ointment, salve, soothing agent, unguent; concepts… … New thesaurus
sedative — [adj] soothing allaying, anodyne, calmative, calming, lenitive, relaxing, sleepinducing, soporific, tranquillizing; concept 537 Ant. agitating, excitative, upsetting sedative [n] soothing agent, medicine analgesic, anodyne, barbiturate, calmant,… … New thesaurus
Alum — This article is about the chemical compound. For other uses, see Alum (disambiguation). Bulk alum Alum ( / … Wikipedia
Acacia karroo — Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 2 … Wikipedia
Monoi oil — is infused oil made from soaking the petals of Tahitian gardenias (tiare) in a semi wax coconut oil. Monoi (pronounced Mah noy) is an ancient Tahitian word meaning scented oil in the Reo Maohi language. Monoi is widely used among French… … Wikipedia