- sonorant
- сонорант
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
sonorant — [sə nôr′ənt, sōnôr′ənt] n. [ SONOR(OUS) + (CONSON)ANT] Phonet. a voiced consonant that is less sonorous than a vowel but more sonorous than an unvoiced plosive and that may occur as a syllabic [English sonorants are (l), (r), (w), (y), (m), (n),… … English World dictionary
Sonorant — In phonetics and phonology, a sonorant is a speech sound that is produced without turbulent airflow in the vocal tract. Essentially this means a sound that s squeezed out (like IPA|/z/) or spat out (like IPA|/t/) is not a sonorant. For example,… … Wikipedia
Sonorant — Ein Sonorant oder Sonorlaut (Sonant) ist ein Vokal oder ein Konsonant, bei dessen Bildung keine Turbulenz im Luftstrom hinter der Verengung entsteht. Die Artikulationsart der sonorantischen Konsonanten steht im Gegensatz zu der der Obstruenten.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
sonorant — /seuh nawr euhnt, nohr , soh /, Phonet. n. 1. a voiced sound that is less sonorous than a vowel but more sonorous than a stop or fricative and that may occur as either a sonant or a consonant, as /l, r, m, n, y, w/. 2. a speech sound… … Universalium
sonorant — noun a speech sound that is produced without turbulent airflow in the vocal tract; the generic term of vowel, approximant, nasal consonant, etc … Wiktionary
sonorant — so·nor·ant (sə norґənt) voiced … Medical dictionary
sonorant — [ sɒn(ə)r(ə)nt, sə nɔ:r(ə)nt] noun Phonetics a sound produced with the vocal cord so positioned that spontaneous voicing is possible. Origin 1930s: from sonorous + ant … English new terms dictionary
sonorant — so·no·rant … English syllables
sonorant — so•no•rant [[t]səˈnɔr ənt, ˈnoʊr , soʊ [/t]] n. phn a voiced speech sound, as a vowel, semivowel, liquid, or nasal, characterized by relatively free passage of air through a channel • Etymology: 1930–35 … From formal English to slang
sonorant — /ˈsɒnərənt/ (say sonuhruhnt) noun a voiced sound less sonorous than a vowel but more sonorous than a stop or fricative, as /l, r, m, n, j, w/. {Latin sonor noise + ant} …
sonorant — səˈnōrənt, nȯr noun ( s) Etymology: sonorous + ant (as in sonant) (II) 1. : resonant 2. : a nonvocalic resonant sometimes with the exclusion of r , y , and w … Useful english dictionary