- sonic log measurements
- акустический каротаж по скорости
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Well logging — Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
List of oil field acronyms — Contents 1 # 2 A 3 B 4 C … Wikipedia
Wireline Logging — consists of measuring and recording the physical properties of the rocks in oil wells. Logging consists of introducing sensors in a borehole via a wireline , an electromechanical cable. Power and control is provided to the sensors inside the… … Wikipedia
Formation evaluation — In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine the ability of a borehole to produce petroleum. Essentially, it is the process of recognizing a commercial well when you drill one .Modern rotary drilling usually … Wikipedia
Electric Line — The term wireline usually refers to a cabling technology used by operators of oil and gas wells to lower equipment or measurement devices into the well for the purposes of well intervention and reservoir evaluation. Braided line can contain an… … Wikipedia
Measurement while drilling — Well logging Gamma ray logging Spontaneous potential logging Resistivity logging Density logging Sonic logging Caliper logging Mud logging LWD/MWD v · … Wikipedia
arts, East Asian — Introduction music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature. Some studies of East Asia… … Universalium
MythBusters (2011 season) — Country of origin Australia United States Broadcast Original channel Discovery Channel Original run … Wikipedia
Formation evaluation neutron porosity — In the field of formation evaluation, porosity is one of the key measurements to quantify an oil and gas reserves. Neutron porosity measurement employs neutron source to measure hydrogen index in a reservoir, which is directly related to porosity … Wikipedia
Wind gradient — In common usage, wind gradient, more specifically wind speed gradientcite book | last = Hadlock | first = Charles | title = Mathematical Modeling in the Environment | publisher = Mathematical Association of America | location = Washington | year … Wikipedia
Unidentified flying object — UFO redirects here. For other uses, see UFO (disambiguation). Photograph of alleged UFO, New Jersey, July 31, 1952 A term originally coined by … Wikipedia