Смотреть что такое "somniloquies" в других словарях:
somniloquies — n. act of talking while asleep … English contemporary dictionary
Michael Preston Barr — Michael Barr was born January 2, 1927 in Indiana and died May 19, 2009 in Los Angeles, California from complications arising from diabetes. Mr. Barr was an American composer of traditional pop and showtunes, who in collaboration with lyricist… … Wikipedia
Somniloquy — or sleep talking is a parasomnia that refers to talking aloud in one s sleep. It can be quite loud, ranging from simple sounds to long speeches, and can occur many times during sleep. Listeners may or may not be able to understand what the person … Wikipedia
Dion McGregor — (1922–1994) was a New York City born songwriter, whose main claim to fame is that he was a voluble dreamer, or somniloquist. As a songwriter, McGregor s biggest success came when his song Where Is The Wonder (cowritten with roommate Michael Barr) … Wikipedia