- somnambulism
- sɔmˈnæmbjulɪzm сущ. лунатизм, сомнамбулизм Syn : sleep-walking сомнамбулизм, лунатизм - artificial * гипнотизм, гипноз somnambulism сомнамбулизм, лунатизм
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
somnambulism — SOMNAMBULÍSM s.n. 1. Stare de automatism inconştient manifestată prin părăsirea patului în timpul somnului şi executarea unor acte coordonate de care individul în cauză nu şi mai aminteşte la trezire; noctambulism. 2. Executare automată a unor… … Dicționar Român
Somnambulism — Som*nam bu*lism, n. [Cf. F. somnambulisme. See {Somnambulation}.] A condition of the nervous system in which an individual during sleep performs actions appropriate to the waking state; a state of sleep in which some of the senses and voluntary… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
somnambulism — 1794 (as somnambulation), from Mod.L. somnambulus sleepwalker, from L. somnus sleep (see SOMNOLENCE (Cf. somnolence)) + ambulare to walk (see AMBLE (Cf. amble)). Won out over noctambulation … Etymology dictionary
somnambulism — ► NOUN ▪ sleepwalking. DERIVATIVES somnambulant adjective somnambulist noun somnambulistic adjective. ORIGIN from Latin somnus sleep + ambulare to walk … English terms dictionary
somnambulism — [säm nam′byo͞oliz΄əm, səmnam′byo͞oliz΄əm] n. 1. the act or practice of somnambulating; sleepwalking 2. the trancelike state of one who somnambulates somnambulist n. somnambulistic adj. somnambulistically adv … English World dictionary
somnambulism — noun Date: 1797 1. an abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (as walking) are performed 2. actions characteristic of somnambulism • somnambulist noun • somnambulistic adjective • somnambulistically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Somnambulism — Sleepwalking. Purposeful moving, usually but not always including walking, while in a deep stage of sleep. Sleepwalking occurs most frequently in children, particularly boys. Sedatives tend to exacerbate rather than cure sleepwalking. The best… … Medical dictionary
somnambulism — somnambulist, n. somnambulistic, adj. /som nam byeuh liz euhm, seuhm /, n. sleepwalking. [1790 1800; < NL somnambulismus, equiv. to somn(us) sleep + ambul(are) to walk + ismus ISM] * * * … Universalium
somnambulism — noun sleepwalking … Wiktionary
somnambulism — Synonyms and related words: amnesia, beauty sleep, beddy bye, bedtime, blanket drill, bye bye, catalepsy, cataplexy, catatonic stupor, daydreaming, daze, doze, dream state, dreamland, drowse, fitful sleep, fugue, fugue state, hibernation,… … Moby Thesaurus
somnambulísm — s. n. (sil. mf. somn ) … Romanian orthography