some|time — «SUHM tym», adverb, adjective. –adv. 1. at one time or another: »Come to see us sometime. 2. at an indefinite time: »It came sometime in March. 3. chaic. sometimes. 4. Archaic. formerly. –adj. 1. former: »Alice Brown, a sometime pupil of our… … Useful english dictionary
some time — sometime, some time 1. Sometime, spelt as one word, is an indefinite adverb with two main meanings: (1) ‘former’, as in their friend and sometime partner, and (2) ‘at some time in the future’, as in I ll tell you about it sometime. When some and… … Modern English usage
some time — noun A period of some length. Syn: some time yet … Wiktionary
some time — See some time, sometime, sometimes … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
Some Time in New York City — Album par John Lennon et Yoko Ono Sortie 12 juin 1972 … Wikipédia en Français
Some Time in New York City — Álbum de John Lennon Yōko Ono Publicación 12 de junio de 1972 (EEUU) 15 de septiembre de 1972 (GB) Grabación Noviembre de 1971 marzo de 1972 (estudio) 15 de diciembre de 1969 y 6 de … Wikipedia Español
Some Time In New York City — LP Джона Леннона и Йоко Оно Дата вып … Википедия
Some Time in New York City — Some Time in New York City … Википедия
Some Time in New York City — Studioalbum von John Lennon Veröffentlichung 15. September 1972 Label Apple Rec … Deutsch Wikipedia
Some time in new york city — Album par John Lennon Sortie 12 juin 1972 (U.S. 15 septembre 1972 (UK Enregistrement novembre 1971 – mars 1972 Durée … Wikipédia en Français
some time / sometime vs sometimes — Some time means a period of time. For example: It took Lynne some time to spot Hekner s post. Sometime indicates a time in the future or the past which is not known or not stated. For example: They hoped to meet up sometime. Not… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words