solve by iteration
Смотреть что такое "solve by iteration" в других словарях:
Iteration — means the act of repeating.MathematicsIteration in mathematics may refer to the process of iterating a function, or to the techniques used in iterative methods for solving numerical problems.ComputingIteration in computing is the repetition of a… … Wikipedia
Weierstraß-Iteration für Polynomnullstellen — Das Weierstraß (Durand Kerner) Verfahren (W (D K) Verfahren) ist ein iteratives Verfahren zur simultanen Bestimmung aller Nullstellen eines univariaten Polynoms. Es ist benannt nach Karl Weierstraß, der es als Teil eines Beweises zum… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Complex squaring map — In mathematics, the complex squaring map, a polynomial mapping of degree two, is a simple and accessible demonstration of chaos in dynamical systems. It can be constructed by performing the following steps: Choose any complex number on the unit… … Wikipedia
Markov decision process — Markov decision processes (MDPs), named after Andrey Markov, provide a mathematical framework for modeling decision making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision maker. MDPs are useful for… … Wikipedia
Newton's method — In numerical analysis, Newton s method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real valued function. The… … Wikipedia
Eigenvalue algorithm — In linear algebra, one of the most important problems is designing efficient and stable algorithms for finding the eigenvalues of a matrix. These eigenvalue algorithms may also find eigenvectors. Contents 1 Characteristic polynomial 2 Power… … Wikipedia
Conjugate gradient method — A comparison of the convergence of gradient descent with optimal step size (in green) and conjugate vector (in red) for minimizing a quadratic function associated with a given linear system. Conjugate gradient, assuming exact arithmetic,… … Wikipedia
Constraint algorithm — In mechanics, a constraint algorithm is a method for satisfying constraints for bodies that obey Newton s equations of motion. There are three basic approaches to satisfying such constraints: choosing novel unconstrained coordinates ( internal… … Wikipedia
List of numerical analysis topics — This is a list of numerical analysis topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 General 2 Error 3 Elementary and special functions 4 Numerical linear algebra … Wikipedia
Ant colony optimization algorithms — Ant behavior was the inspiration for the metaheuristic optimization technique. In computer science and operations research, the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be… … Wikipedia
Data-flow analysis — is a technique for gathering information about the possible set of values calculated at various points in a computer program. A program s control flow graph (CFG) is used to determine those parts of a program to which a particular value assigned… … Wikipedia