solvable manifold

solvable manifold
мат. разрешимое многообразие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "solvable manifold" в других словарях:

  • Haken manifold — In mathematics, a Haken manifold is a compact, P² irreducible 3 manifold that contains a two sided incompressible surface. Sometimes one considers only orientable Haken manifolds, in which case a Haken manifold is a compact, orientable,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie group — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

  • Geometrization conjecture — Thurston s geometrization conjecture states that compact 3 manifolds can be decomposed canonically into submanifolds that have geometric structures. The geometrization conjecture is an analogue for 3 manifolds of the uniformization theorem for… …   Wikipedia

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… …   Wikipedia

  • Dehn function — In the mathematical subject of geometric group theory, a Dehn function, named after Max Dehn, is an optimal function associated to a finite group presentation which bounds the area of a relation in that group (that is a freely reduced word in the …   Wikipedia

  • Lie algebra — In mathematics, a Lie algebra is an algebraic structure whose main use is in studying geometric objects such as Lie groups and differentiable manifolds. Lie algebras were introduced to study the concept of infinitesimal transformations. The term… …   Wikipedia

  • Cousin problems — In mathematics, the Cousin problems are two questions in several complex variables, concerning the existence of meromorphic functions that are specified in terms of local data. They were introduced in special cases by P. Cousin in 1895. They are… …   Wikipedia

  • Artin billiard — In mathematics and physics, the Artin billiard is a type of a dynamical billiard first studied by Emil Artin in 1924. It describes the geodesic motion of a free particle on the non compact Riemann surface mathbb{H}/Gamma, where mathbb{H} is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamical billiards — The Bunimovich stadium is a chaotic dynamical billiard A billiard is a dynamical system in which a particle alternates between motion in a straight line and specular reflections from a boundary. When the particle hits the boundary it reflects… …   Wikipedia

  • Group theory — is a mathematical discipline, the part of abstract algebra that studies the algebraic structures known as groups. The development of group theory sprang from three main sources: number theory, theory of algebraic equations, and geometry. The… …   Wikipedia

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