solution cavities
Смотреть что такое "solution cavities" в других словарях:
Cave — For other uses, see Cave (disambiguation). Cavern redirects here. For other uses, see Cavern (disambiguation). Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico A cave or cavern is a natural underground space large enough for a human to enter. The term applies to… … Wikipedia
Abaco Islands — Coordinates: 26°28′N 77°05′W / 26.467°N 77.083°W / 26.467; 77.083 … Wikipedia
Herkimer diamond — Herkimer Diamant Middleville, County of Herkimer, NY, USA Herkimer diamond is a generic name for a double terminated quartz crystal discovered within exposed outcrops of dolostone in and around Herkimer County, New York and the Mohawk River … Wikipedia
Emborough Quarries — Infobox SSSI name=Emborough Quarries aos=Somerset interest=Geological gridref=gbmappingsmall|ST623505 area=1 hectare (2.5 acre) notifydate=1971 ] Emborough Quarries (gbmapping|ST623505) is a 1 hectare (2 … Wikipedia
Ouvrage Arrondaz — Part of Maginot Line, Alpine Line Southeast France … Wikipedia
playa — /pluy euh/, n. Western U.S. the sandy, salty, or mud caked flat floor of a desert basin having interior drainage, usually occupied by a shallow lake during or after prolonged, heavy rains. Cf. dry lake. [1850 55, Amer.; < Sp: shore < LL plagia;… … Universalium
sphalerite — /sfal euh ruyt , sfay leuh /, n. a very common mineral, zinc sulfide, ZnS, usually containing some iron and a little cadmium, occurring in yellow, brown, or black crystals or cleavable masses with resinous luster: the principal ore of zinc and… … Universalium
Mines and Geosciences Bureau Region 13 (Philippines) — DENR Mines and Geosciences Bureau Region 13 Kawanihan ng Pagmimina at Agham Panlupa Bureau/Regional overview Headquarters DENR MGB Compound, Km. 2 National Highway, Surgao City Annual budget Personal Services P25.14 million (2011) Bureau/Regional … Wikipedia
vugular pore space — Void space due to solution cavities of small size [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
каверны выщелачивания — пустота растворения — [ russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность Синонимы пустота растворения EN solution cavities … Справочник технического переводчика
cenote — sə̇ˈnōd.ē noun ( s) Etymology: Spanish, from Maya tzonot : a deep sinkhole especially in Central America and the Yucatán peninsula formed by the collapse of strata overlying solution cavities in limestone and having a pool at the bottom fed by… … Useful english dictionary