
(музыкальное) сольмизация

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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  • Solmization — is a system of attributing a distinct syllable to each note in a musical scale. Various forms of solmization are in use and have been used throughout the world.In Europe and North America, solfège is the convention used most often. The seven… …   Wikipedia

  • Solmization — Sol mi*za tion, n. [F. solmisation, fr. solmiser to sol fa; called from the musical notes sol, mi. See {Sol fa}.] (Mus.) The act of sol faing. [Written also {solmisation}.] [1913 Webster] Note: This art was practiced by the Greeks; but six of the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • solmization — (also solmisation) ► NOUN Music ▪ a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable (typically the sequence doh, ray, me, fah, so, la, te), especially to teach singing. ORIGIN French, from sol «soh» + mi (see ME(Cf. ↑me)) …   English terms dictionary

  • solmization — [säl΄mi zā′shən] n. [Fr solmisation < solmiser, to sol fa < sol + mi: see GAMUT] the system or practice of identifying musical tones by syllables: often used as an aid in teaching music …   English World dictionary

  • solmization — /sol meuh zay sheuhn, sohl /, n. Music. the act, process, or system of using certain syllables, esp. the sol fa syllables, to represent the tones of the scale. [1720 30; < F solmisation, equiv. to solmis(er) (sol SOL1 + mi MI + iser IZE) + ation… …   Universalium

  • solmization — solmisatio лат. [сольмиза/цио] solmisation фр. [сольмизасьо/н] Solmisation нем. [сольмизацио/н] solmisazione ит. [сольмизацио/нэ] solmization англ. [солмизэ/йшн] сольмизация …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • solmization — noun Etymology: French solmisation, from solmiser to sol fa, from sol (from Medieval Latin) + miles (from Medieval Latin) + iser ize Date: 1730 the act, practice, or system of using syllables to denote the tones of a musical scale …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • solmization — or solmisation ˌsɒlmɪ zeɪʃ(ə)n noun Music a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable (typically the sequence doh, ray, me, fah, so, la, te), especially to teach singing. Derivatives solmizate verb Origin C18: from Fr …   English new terms dictionary

  • solmization — sol·mi·za·tion …   English syllables

  • solmization — sol•mi•za•tion [[t]ˌsɒl məˈzeɪ ʃən, ˌsoʊl [/t]] n. mad the act, process, or system of using syllables to represent the tones of a musical scale • Etymology: 1720–30; < F solmisation=solmis(er) < sol sol I+mi mi+ iser ize …   From formal English to slang

  • solmization — n. Mus. a system of associating each note of a scale with a particular syllable, now usu. doh ray me fah soh lah te, with doh as C in the fixed doh system and as the keynote in the movable doh or tonic sol fa system. Derivatives: solmizate v.intr …   Useful english dictionary

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