solitaire gem

solitaire gem

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "solitaire gem" в других словарях:

  • solitaire — [säl′ə ter΄] n. [Fr solitaire < L solitarius: see SOLITARY] 1. Archaic a hermit or recluse 2. a diamond or other gem set by itself, as in a ring 3. any of many card games played by one person …   English World dictionary

  • solitaire — ► NOUN 1) a game for one player played by removing pegs from a board one at a time by jumping others over them from adjacent holes, the object being to be left with only one peg. 2) the card game patience. 3) a single diamond or other gem in a… …   English terms dictionary

  • solitaire — noun Etymology: French, from solitaire, adjective, solitary, from Latin solitarius Date: circa 1727 1. a single gem (as a diamond) set alone 2. any of various card games that can be played by one person …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • solitaire — [ sɒlɪtɛ:, ˌsɒlɪ tɛ:] noun 1》 Brit. a game for one player played by removing pegs from a board one at a time by jumping others over them from adjacent holes, the object being to be left with only one peg. 2》 N. Amer. the card game patience. 3》 a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • gem — noun 1) rubies and other gems Syn: jewel, gemstone, stone, precious stone, semiprecious stone; solitaire, cabochon; archaic bijou 2) the gem of the collection Syn: best, finest, pride, prize …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • solitaire — n. 1 a diamond or other gem set by itself. 2 a ring having a single gem. 3 a game for one player played by removing pegs etc. one at a time from a board by jumping others over them until only one is left. 4 US = PATIENCE 4. 5 any of various… …   Useful english dictionary

  • solitaire — sol·i·taire || sÉ‘lɪter / sÉ’lɪteÉ™ n. card game for one player, patience; diamond or other gem placed in a setting by itself (in a ring or other piece of jewelry) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gem — n 1. jewel, bijou, precious or semi precious stone, solitaire, brilliant, pearl; ornament, trinket. 2. masterpiece, chef d oeuvre, work of art; master stroke, Fr. coup de maitre; perfection, quintessence, prize, pick, flower, cream, Fr. creme de… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Gemmological Institute of India — is a gemmology training school in Mumbai.DescriptionThe Gemmological Institute of India (GII) is a non profit school in Mumbai that conducts courses on gemmology. It was founded in April 1971 by the Gem and Jewellery Exporters Association, Bombay …   Wikipedia

  • Diamond — This article is about the mineral. For the gemstone, see Diamond (gemstone). For other uses, including the shape ◊, see Diamond (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • Diamond (gemstone) — Part of a series on Diamonds Material Material properties Crystallographic defects Formatio …   Wikipedia

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