solenoid starter
Смотреть что такое "solenoid starter" в других словарях:
solenoid starter switch — A solenoid operated starter motor switch … Dictionary of automotive terms
solenoid — [1] An electrically operated magnetic device used to operate some unit. A movable iron core is placed inside a coil of wire which moves because of magnetic attraction when electric current is fed to the coil. When current flows through the coil,… … Dictionary of automotive terms
starter switch — See glow plug starter switch remote starter switch solenoid starter switch … Dictionary of automotive terms
Starter solenoid — A starter solenoid (or starter relay) is the part of an automobile which relays a large electric current to the starter motor, which in turn sets the engine in motion.OperationThe starter solenoid receives a large electric current from the car… … Wikipedia
Solenoid — A solenoid is a three dimensional coil. In physics, the term solenoid refers to a loop of wire, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it. Solenoids are important because… … Wikipedia
Solenoid (disambiguation) — A solenoid may refer to*Solenoid in physics or engineering ** a starter solenoid (part of an automobile ignition system; also called a starter relay) ** automotive transmission solenoids *Solenoid (DNA) in Genetics *Solenoid (mathematics)… … Wikipedia
starter solenoid — A device that uses electrical current to start and engage the starter. Also see solenoid. Also called a starter relay … Dictionary of automotive terms
starter switch control cable — A mechanical cable to the starter switch on vehicles without a starter solenoid (e.g., Fiat 500) … Dictionary of automotive terms
Automobile self starter — An automobile self starter (commonly starter motor or simply starter ) is an electric motor that initiates rotational motion in a car s internal combustion engine before it can power itself. History Both Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal… … Wikipedia
pre-engaged starter — A starter motor in which the solenoid operated pinion engages with a flywheel ring gear before the full electric current flows; an overrunning clutch enables the pinion to freewheel before disengaging, once the engine has fired … Dictionary of automotive terms
электромагнитный пускатель — Пускатель, у которого сила, необходимая для замыкания главных контактов, обеспечивается электромагнитом. [ГОСТ Р 50030.4.1 2002 (МЭК 60947 4 1 2000)] пускатель магнитный Электрический выключатель переменного тока с магнитным приводом,… … Справочник технического переводчика