sole agency — /səυl eɪdʒənsi/ noun an agreement to be the only person to represent a company or to sell a product in a particular area ● He has the sole agency for Ford cars … Marketing dictionary in english
sole agency — /səυl eɪdʒənsi/ noun an agreement to be the only person to represent a company or to sell a product in a particular area ● He has the sole agency for Ford cars … Dictionary of banking and finance
sole agency — An agreement between an agent and a principal that gives the agent exclusive rights to sell a product or service in a particular territory for a specified period … Big dictionary of business and management
sole agent — /səυl eɪdʒənt/ noun a person who has the sole agency for a company in an area ● She is the sole agent for Ford cars in the locality … Marketing dictionary in english
sole agent — /səυl eɪdʒənt/ noun a person who has the sole agency for a company in an area ● She is the sole agent for Ford cars in the locality … Dictionary of banking and finance
Sole B — (Бибионе,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Cormor (check in takes place at the Agency Lamp … Каталог отелей
sole source — sole source, U.S. a single firm contracted by a government agency to manufacture or supply a product: »When a sole source is awarded a contract, no competitive bids are requested by the government … Useful english dictionary
Sole proprietorship — A sole proprietorship, or simply proprietorship (Benjamen Clark.: sole trader) is a type of business entity which legally has no separate existence from its owner. Hence, the limitations of liability enjoyed by a corporation and limited liability … Wikipedia
Organizational structure of the Central Intelligence Agency — A CIA Organizational Chart from May 2009 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a vast and complicated organization with many divisions and subdivisions, consisting mainly of an executive office, four major directorates, and a variety of… … Wikipedia
Crown Agency — A Crown Agency was an administrative body of the British Empire, distinct from the Civil Service Commission of Great Britain or the government administration of the national entity in which it operated. Employees of or constituent enterprises of… … Wikipedia
Crown agency — For Modern Crown Agencies of Ontario, see Crown agency (Ontario). For The private development company from 1996, see Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations Ltd. A crown agency was an administrative body of the British Empire,… … Wikipedia