Смотреть что такое "soft-skinned" в других словарях:
Soft-skinned vehicle — In military science, a soft skinned vehicle is any vehicle that is not armored. This includes trucks, motorcycles, jeeps and cars … Wikipedia
soft-skinned smooth-head — minkštaodė švelniagalvė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Rouleina attrita angl. soft skinned smooth head rus. мягкокожая роулейна ryšiai: platesnis terminas – mažašvietės švelniagalvės … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Soft — Business* Adventure Soft, UK based video game developer which was established in the 1980s by Mike Woodroffe * Cocktail Soft, Japanese H game manufacturer * Hudson Soft, Japanese publisher and developer * Illusion Soft, company from Yokohama,… … Wikipedia
soft — adj 1. plushlike, plushed, squashy, squishy, mushy, spongy; pulpy, pulpal, pulpous, pulplike, pul paceous, overripe, overmature; pappy, paplike, mashed, softened; thin, watery, runny, liquid; loamy, friable, crumbly; marshy, paludal, boggy,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
thin-skinned — /thin skind /, adj. 1. having a thin skin. 2. sensitive to criticism, reproach, or rebuff; easily offended; touchy: a thin skinned poet. [1590 1600] Syn. 2. squeamish, soft, susceptible. * * * … Universalium
thin-skinned — [adj] sensitive delicate, easily hurt, hypersensitive, oversensitive, soft, touchy, vulnerable; concept 406 … New thesaurus
malacodermous — Soft skinned … Grandiloquent dictionary
hagfish — /hag fish /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) hagfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) hagfishes. any eellike, marine cyclostome of the order Myxiniformes, having undeveloped eyes, a barbel rimmed, circular mouth, and horny teeth for… … Universalium
agnathan — /ag neuh theuhn/, n. 1. any member of the vertebrate class Agnatha. adj. 2. agnathous. [AGNATH(A) + AN] * * * ▪ fish Introduction any member of the group of primitive, jawless fishes (fish) that includes the lampreys (lamprey) (order… … Universalium
malacodermous — malacodermous, a. Nat. Hist. (mæləkəʊˈdɜːməs) [f. Gr. µαλακόδερµος soft skinned (f. µαλακός soft + δέρµα skin) + ous.] Soft skinned; = malacoderm A. in Mayne Expos. Lex.; and in recent Dicts … Useful english dictionary
Modern equipment of the British Army — This article is about weapons and equipment. For details of uniforms and orders of dress, see British Army Uniform. British Army … Wikipedia