- soft-core
- прил. завуалированный (о порнографии) Ant : hardcore, hard-core мягкий, ненавязчивый - * pornography завуализованная порнография
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
soft-core — soft ,core adjective soft core PORNOGRAPHY shows sexual images but not sexual acts ─ compare HARD CORE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
soft-core — soft co·re agg.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} di pubblicazione o spettacolo pornografico in cui il realismo della rappresentazione è mitigato da una certa aspirazione all eleganza estetica; anche s.m.inv.: il soft core dei circuiti cinematografici… … Dizionario italiano
soft-core — (izg. sȍft kȏr) m DEFINICIJA film. pornografski film u kojem spolni odnos nije eksplicitno pokazan; soft porno, meki pornić, opr. hardcore ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
soft-core — [sôft′kôr΄] adj. portraying sexual acts in a manner that is highly suggestive rather than explicit … English World dictionary
soft-core — soft′ core′ adj. cvb sexually provocative without being explicit • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
soft-core — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: soft (I) + core (as in hard core herein) 1. of pornography : containing descriptions or scenes of sex acts that are less explicit than hard core material 2. : relatively mild : moderate … Useful english dictionary
soft core — 1. mod. referring to a mild type of pornography. □ There are more and more soft core movies on cable television. □ This stuff I saw was just soft core. □ Now even the soft core stuff is getting harder to find at newsstands. 2. n. mild pornography … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
soft-core — /sawft kawr , kohr , soft /, adj. of, pertaining to, or containing sexually arousing depictions that are not fully explicit: soft core pornography. Cf. hard core (def. 2). [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
soft-core — also softcore ADJ: ADJ n Soft core pornography shows or describes sex, but not very violent or unpleasant sex, or not in a very detailed way. Compare hard core … English dictionary
soft-core — UK / US adjective soft core pornography shows sexual images but not sexual acts • See: hard core … English dictionary
soft-core — adj. Soft core is used with these nouns: ↑pornography … Collocations dictionary