soft wall
Смотреть что такое "soft wall" в других словарях:
soft´ly — soft «sft, soft», adjective, adverb, noun, interjection. –adj. 1. a) not hard; yielding readily to touch or pressure: »a soft tomato, soft ground, a soft bed. b) easily bent without breaking; not stiff; flexible: »Oil keeps leather soft.… … Useful english dictionary
Soft palate — Lateral wall of nasal cavity. (Soft palate visible in lower right) … Wikipedia
soft-ped|al — soft pedal, a pedal for softening the tone of a piano. soft ped|al «SFT PEHD uhl, SOFT », verb, aled, al|ing or (especially British) alled, al|ling. –v.t. 1. to soften the sound of by means of the soft pedal … Useful english dictionary
soft|ware — «SFT WAYR, SOFT », noun. 1. the designs, instructions, routines, and other printed matter, required for the operation of a computer or other automatic machine: »Software is the general term used to describe various levels of the language of… … Useful english dictionary
Wall plug — A wall plug or Rawlplug trade; is a type of used in building. It allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls.There are many forms of wall plug, but the most common principle is to use a tapered tube of soft material, such as plastic. This is… … Wikipedia
soft spot — noun 1. a place of especial vulnerability (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑weak part, ↑weak spot • Ant: ↑good part (for: ↑weak part) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps — Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps … Wikipedia
Soft-paste porcelain — url= popup.html title= Porcelain plate work=Ceramics accessdate= 2007 12 06] Victoria and Albert Museum, London] Soft paste porcelain is a type of a ceramic material, but it lacks a more specific,… … Wikipedia
Soft power — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Power. Le soft power ou la puissance douce est un concept utilisé en relations internationales. Développé par le professeur américain Joseph Nye il a été repris depuis une décennie par de nombreux leaders… … Wikipédia en Français
Soft story building — A Soft story building is a multi story building whereby one or more floors have windows, wide doors, large unobstructed commercial spaces, or other openings in places where a shear wall would normally be required for stability as a matter of… … Wikipedia
Wall Search — Term used to describe the back of the drawing motion of a bow. A solid or hard wall is when the drawing motion comes to a sudden and precise end. If the back of the drawing motion is nondescript, it is called a soft or mushy wall. A solid wall … Hunting glossary