soft selling

soft selling
использование спокойных и едва ли запоминающихся приемов в рекламе и продаже товаров Ant : hard selling

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "soft selling" в других словарях:

  • soft selling — UK US noun [U] MARKETING ► the activity of trying to sell something to someone by persuading them gently that they want or need it: »Some sales people are better at proactive aggressive selling, while others may be better at soft selling …   Financial and business terms

  • Soft Selling — Form des ⇡ persönlichen Verkaufs, bei der versucht wird, die für den Kunden optimale Problemlösung zu finden. Die auf ⇡ Kundenzufriedenheit fokussierte Verkaufstechnik empfiehlt sich bes. dann, wenn auf langfristige ⇡ Kundenbindungen Wert gelegt… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • soft-sell — /ˈsɒft sɛl/ (say soft sel) verb (t) (soft sold, soft selling) 1. to sell in a quietly persuasive, subtle manner. –adjective 2. of or relating to such a manner of selling …  

  • soft-sell — /sawft sel , soft /, v., soft sold, soft selling, adj. v.t. 1. to promote (a product, service, etc.) using indirect or gentle persuasion: an advertising campaign to soft sell a new perfume. adj. 2. (of a sales technique) quietly or indirectly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • soft-sell — /sawft sel , soft /, v., soft sold, soft selling, adj. v.t. 1. to promote (a product, service, etc.) using indirect or gentle persuasion: an advertising campaign to soft sell a new perfume. adj. 2. (of a sales technique) quietly or indirectly… …   Universalium

  • Soft Sell — Advertising and sales practices denoted by subtle language and a non aggressive technique. A soft sell is designed to avoid angering potential customers and pushing them away. Because soft selling is a low pressure sales technique, it may not… …   Investment dictionary

  • Soft Power — (im deutschen auch als weiche Macht bezeichnet) ist ein von Joseph Nye geprägter politikwissenschaftlicher Begriff, der die politische Machtausübung (insbesondere die Einflussnahme in den internationalen Beziehungen) auf Grundlage kultureller… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Soft rock — Stylistic origins Rock, pop rock, rhythm and blues, folk rock, rock and roll, smooth jazz Cultural origins Late 1960s Typical instruments Electric and acoustic guitar, bass guitar, twelve s …   Wikipedia

  • soft sell — soft′ sell′ n. bus a method of advertising or selling that is quietly persuasive, indirect, and sophisticated (opposed to hard sell). • Etymology: 1950–55 soft′ sell′, v.t. sold, sell•ing, adj …   From formal English to slang

  • soft sell — ☆ soft sell n. selling that relies on subtle suggestion rather than high pressure salesmanship soft sell adj …   English World dictionary

  • soft sell — n [singular] a way of advertising or selling things that involves gently persuading people to buy something →↑hard sell …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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