soft boot
Смотреть что такое "soft boot" в других словарях:
Soft Boot — [engl.], Warmstart … Universal-Lexikon
boot|i|kin — «BOO tuh kihn», noun. 1. a little boot. 2. a kind of soft boot or mitten formerly worn as a cure for the gout. 3. an instrument of torture; the boot … Useful english dictionary
Boot Yer Butt — est une compilation des morceaux enregistrés lors de concerts des The Doors, entre 1967 et 1970. On y retrouve notamment le tristement célèbre concert de Miami du 1er mars 1969 et l avant dernier concert des Doors à Dallas, le 11 décembre 1970.… … Wikipédia en Français
boot|ee — «boo TEE; especially for 1 BOO tee», noun. 1. a baby s soft shoe, often knitted. 2. a woman s short boot. Also, bootie. ╂[American English < boot1] … Useful english dictionary
Soft reboot — Amorçage d un ordinateur Pour les articles homonymes, voir Boot (homonymie). L amorçage, en informatique, désigne la procédure de démarrage d un ordinateur, qui comporte notamment le chargement du programme initial. On le désigne également par le … Wikipédia en Français
soft reboot — paleidimas neišjungus statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Operacinės sistemos paleidimas iš naujo neišjungus kompiuterio. Atliekamas įvykdžius komandą ↑paleisti iš naujo arba paspaudus klavišus Vald+Alt+Šal. Baigiamas darbas su operacine… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Motorcycle boot — An engineer boot Motorcycle boots are associated with motorcycle riders and range from above ankle to below knee boots They have an outside of a typical boot but a low heel to control the motorcycle. To improve motorcycle safety, motorcycle boots … Wikipedia
Jungle boot — Jungle boots are a type of combat boot designed for use in jungle warfare or in hot, wet and humid environments, where a standard leather combat boot would be uncomfortable or unsuitable to wear. Jungle boots have vent holes in the instep and… … Wikipedia
Ski boot — Ski boots are specialized footwear that are used in skiing to provide a way to attach the skier to skis using ski bindings. This ski boot binding combination is used to effectively transmit control inputs from the skier to the snow.Ski boots were … Wikipedia
U-Boot — USS Grayling 1909 Russisches U Boot der Foxt … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Soft Parade — студийный альбом The Doors Дата выпуска июль, 1969 Записан ноябрь … Википедия