- sofas
- Диваны
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sofas — Sofa So fa, n.; pl. {Sofas}. [Ar. soffah, from saffa to dispose in order: cf. F. sofa, It. sof[ a].] A long seat, usually with a cushioned bottom, back, and ends; much used as a comfortable piece of furniture. [1913 Webster] Let fall the curtains … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
SOFAS — Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale … Medical dictionary
sofas — so·fa || səʊfÉ™ n. couch, long upholstered seat having a back and arms … English contemporary dictionary
sofas — stepping out for a smoke … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand
SOFAS — … Useful english dictionary
Csl Sofas — Industry Retail Founded 1981 Headquarters Golborne, United Kingdom Products Furniture Website www.csl sofas.co.uk … Wikipedia
Stylus Sofas — Infobox Company company name = Stylus Sofas company company type = Public company slogan = foundation = Burnaby, British Columbia location = Burnaby, British Columbia key people = Rick Ripoli, President CEO, Eugene Syho, CFO revenue = ) industry … Wikipedia
Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale — (SOFAS) a scale that describes the level of an individual s social and occupational functioning, either present or past; unlike the GAF scale, it is not directly influenced by the severity of the individual s psychological symptoms … Medical dictionary
sofà — {{hw}}{{sofà}}{{/hw}}s. m. Tipo di sedile basso, imbottito e ricoperto di tessuto, con schienali e braccioli. ETIMOLOGIA: dal franc. sofa, prestito dall arabo suffa ‘cuscino’ … Enciclopedia di italiano
Sofa (guerrero) — Sofa significa guerrero en el idioma Mandinka, que era el lenguaje común en África occidental antes de la colonización. Los sofas fueron como la espina dorsal de la infantería mandinga, aunque a veces también la caballería fue nombrada a veces… … Wikipedia Español
Dimethyl fumarate — IUPAC name Dimethyl (E) butenedioate … Wikipedia