sodium nitrite
Смотреть что такое "sodium nitrite" в других словарях:
Sodium nitrite — Sodium nitrite … Wikipedia
sodium nitrite — n a colorless or yellowish deliquescent salt NaNO2 that is used as a meat preservative and in medicine as a vasodilator and an antidote for cyanide poisoning * * * a sodium salt used, with sodium thiosulphate, to treat cyanide poisoning. It is… … Medical dictionary
sodium nitrite — n. a yellowish or white powder, NaNO2, used to make dyes, preserve meats, counteract cyanide poisoning, etc … English World dictionary
sodium nitrite — noun nitrite used to preserve and color food especially in meat and fish products; implicated in the formation of suspected carcinogens • Hypernyms: ↑nitrite * * * noun : a colorless or yellowish deliquescent salt NaNO2 made usually by absorption … Useful english dictionary
sodium nitrite — natrio nitritas statusas T sritis chemija formulė NaNO₂ atitikmenys: angl. sodium nitrite rus. натрий азотистокислый; натрия нитрит ryšiai: sinonimas – natrio dioksonitratas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sodium nitrite — a sodium salt used, with sodium thiosulphate, to treat cyanide poisoning. Both drugs are administered by intravenous injection and may cause headache and flushing … The new mediacal dictionary
sodium nitrite — 1. Chem. a yellowish or white crystalline compound, NaNO2, soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and ether: used in the manufacture of dyes and as a color fixative. 2. Nutrition. this compound added to food as a preservative and for… … Universalium
sodium nitrite — noun the sodium salt of nitrous acid, NaNO; used as a food preservative and in many industrial applications Syn: E250 … Wiktionary
sodium nitrite — noun Date: 1869 a salt NaNO2 used especially in dye manufacture and as a meat preservative … New Collegiate Dictionary
sodium nitrite — so′dium ni′trite n. chem. nut a yellowish or white crystalline compound, NaNO2, used as a color fixative and in food as a flavoring and preservative • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
Nitrite de sodium — Général Nom IUPAC Nitrite de sodium No CAS … Wikipédia en Français