- sodium iodide
1. иодид натрия
2. дигид-рат иодида натрия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Sodium iodide — Identifiers CAS number … Wikipedia
sodium iodide — n a crystalline salt NaI used as an iodine supplement and expectorant * * * [USP] a binary haloid, NaI, used in various conditions as a source of iodine. It is also used as an expectorant … Medical dictionary
sodium iodide — noun a crystalline salt used like potassium iodide (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑iodide * * * noun : a crystalline salt NaI used like potassium iodide * * * Chem. a colorless or white, crystalline, deliquescent, water soluble solid, NaI, used chiefly… … Useful english dictionary
sodium iodide — natrio jodidas statusas T sritis chemija formulė NaI atitikmenys: angl. sodium iodide rus. натрий иодистый; натрия иодид … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sodium iodide I 125 — sodium iodide labeled with 125I; administered orally or intravenously as a tracer in tests of thyroid functioning and in thyroid imaging … Medical dictionary
Sodium-iodide symporter — The sodium iodide symporter (NIS) also known as solute carrier family 5, member 5 (SLC5A5) is an ion pump that actively transports iodide (I ) across the basolateral membrane into thyroid epithelial cells.cite journal | author = Dai G, Levy O,… … Wikipedia
sodium iodide I 123 — [USP] sodium iodide labeled with 123I; administered orally or intravenously in thyroid uptake tests and thyroid imaging … Medical dictionary
sodium iodide I 131 — [USP] sodium iodide labeled with 131I; used as a tracer in thyroid uptake tests and thyroid imaging and used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid carcinoma; administered orally or intravenously … Medical dictionary
sodium iodide — Chem. a colorless or white, crystalline, deliquescent, water soluble solid, NaI, used chiefly in the manufacture of photographic emulsions, in organic synthesis, and as a disinfectant in veterinary medicine. * * * … Universalium
sodium iodide — so′dium i′odide n. chem. a colorless or white, crystalline, deliquescent, water soluble solid, NaI, used in the manufacture of photographic emulsions, in organic synthesis, and as a disinfectant in veterinary medicine … From formal English to slang
Sodium fluoride — IUPAC name Sodium fluoride … Wikipedia