Смотреть что такое "soddyite" в других словарях:
soddyite — sod·dy·ite … English syllables
soddyite — ˈsädēˌīt noun ( s) Etymology: alteration of soddite : a mineral (UO2)12Si5O22.14H2O consisting of a hydrous uranium silicate occurring in fine grained pale yellow aggregates or orthorhombic crystals … Useful english dictionary
List of minerals S-T (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Uranate — A uranate is a ternary oxide involving the element uranium in one of the oxidation states +4, +5 or +6. A typical chemical formula is MxUyOz, where M represents a cation. The uranium atom in uranates(VI) has two short, co linear, U O bonds and… … Wikipedia
soddite — ˈsäˌdīt noun ( s) Etymology: Frederick Soddy died 1956 English chemist + English ite : soddyite * * * soddite see soddyite … Useful english dictionary
Guilleminite — Catégorie IV : oxydes et hydroxydes[1] Guilleminite avec … Wikipédia en Français
soddite — [sɔdit] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; angl. soddyite, du nom du chimiste anglais Frederick Soddy, et suff. ite. ❖ ♦ Chim. Minerai d uranium, silicate contenant plus de quatre vingts pour cent d oxyde d uranium … Encyclopédie Universelle