Смотреть что такое "socialities" в других словарях:
socialities — n. quality of being social; sociability, quality of being sociable, friendliness, geniality; inclination to form social groups … English contemporary dictionary
Social anthropology — is the branch of anthropology that studies how currently living human beings behave in social groups. Practitioners of social anthropology investigate, often through long term, intensive field studies (including participant observation methods),… … Wikipedia
Andrew Wiederhorn — (born 1965) is an American businessman living in Portland, Oregon. He founded Wilshire Credit Corporation and served as its CEO, by the age of 32 amassing a fortune estimated to be worth $140 million. [ [… … Wikipedia
Elizabeth Povinelli — Elizabeth A. Povinelli is Professor of Anthropology and Gender Studies at Columbia University where she has also been the Director of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and the Co Director of the Centre for the Study of Law and… … Wikipedia
Pseudogonalos — ? Pseudogonalos Научная классификация Царство: Животные Тип: Членистоногие Класс: Насекомые … Википедия
sociality — /soʊʃiˈæləti/ (say sohshee aluhtee) noun (plural socialities) 1. social nature or tendencies as shown in the assembling of individuals in communities. 2. the action on the part of individuals of associating together in communities. 3. the state… …
sociality — [sō΄shē al′ə tē] n. [L socialitas] 1. the quality or state of being social or sociable; sociability 2. pl. socialities the trait or tendency in individuals to join together in groups and associate with one another … English World dictionary