social unrest

social unrest
социальные волнения, социальное беспокойство, общественное недовольство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "social unrest" в других словарях:

  • Social unrest in Trinidad and Tobago — Social unrest has shaped the development of Trinidad and Tobago since the middle of the 19th century. Attempts by the British colonial government to crack down on the celebration of Carnival sparked the Canboulay Riots in 1881 and 1884. Attempt… …   Wikipedia

  • Cochabamba social unrest of 2007 — Social unrest in Cochabamba involved violent clashes between supporters and opponents of Cochabamba Prefect Manfred Reyes Villa in the departmental capital city of Cochabamba, Bolivia, reaching their peak on January 11 and 12, 2007. The policies… …   Wikipedia

  • Social risk management — (SRM) is a new conceptual framework assigned and designed by the World Bank cite web | last = Holzmann | first = Robert | coauthors = Lynne Sherburne Benz and Emil Tesliuc | title = Social Risk Management: The World Bank Approach to Social… …   Wikipedia

  • unrest — noun (U) a social or political situation in which people protest and tend to behave violently: The country was in a state of unrest. | social/civil/political etc unrest: These drastic measures were necessary to prevent further social unrest …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • unrest — n. 1) to foment, stir up unrest 2) civil; labor; political; social unrest * * * [ʌn rest] labor political social unrest stir up unrest . civil to foment …   Combinatory dictionary

  • unrest — un|rest [ʌnˈrest] n [U] a political situation in which people protest or behave violently ▪ There is growing unrest throughout the country. political/social/industrial etc unrest ▪ The protests were the biggest show of social unrest since the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF ANCIENT ISRAEL — the source methods hebrew society prior to the rise of israel in canaan the pre monarchic period tribal and sub tribal units institutions social changes urbanization changes in the tribal system the monarchy and the tribal system national class… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • unrest — noun social unrest Syn: disruption, disturbance, trouble, turmoil, turbulence, disorder, chaos, anarchy; discord, disquiet, dissension, dissent, strife, protest, rebellion, uprising, rioting Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Social apartheid — refers to de facto segregation on the basis of class or economic status, in which an underclass is forced to exist separated from the rest of the population.[1] The word apartheid , originally an afrikaans word meaning separation , gained its… …   Wikipedia

  • Unrest (disambiguation) — Unrest may refer to one of the following. * Unrest, a social disturbance * Unrest (band) is the name of an indie rock band. * Unrest (Henry Cow album) is the name of an album by Henry Cow. * Unrest (album) is the name of an album by Erlend Øye. * …   Wikipedia

  • Social issues in the People's Republic of China — in the 21st century are varied and wide ranging, and are a combined result of the Chinese economic reforms set in place in the late 1970s, China s political and cultural history, and an immense population. Because of the vast number of social… …   Wikipedia

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