social processes

social processes
социальные процессы social responsibility социальная ответственность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "social processes" в других словарях:

  • Social neuroscience — is an interdisciplinary field that utilizes the complementary insights and approaches of neuroscience and social science to analyze social and affective aspects of human behavior. An emerging field, it is closely related to affective neuroscience …   Wikipedia

  • Social semiotics — is a branch of the field of semiotics which investigates human signifying practices in specific social and cultural circumstances, and which tries to explain meaning making as a social practice. Semiotics, as originally defined by Ferdinand de… …   Wikipedia

  • Social innovation — refers to new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet social needs of all kinds from working conditions and education to community development and health and that extend and strengthen civil society. Over the years, the term has… …   Wikipedia

  • Social thought — provides general theories to explain actions and behavior of society as a whole, encompassing sociological, political, and philosophical ideas. Social theory is used to make distinctions and generalizations among different types of societies, and …   Wikipedia

  • Social research — refers to research conducted by social scientists (primarily within sociology and social psychology), but also within other disciplines such as social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology and education. Sociologists and …   Wikipedia

  • Social nature — is the core concept of a geographical work on the social construction of nature, entitled Social nature: theory, practice and politics , which has been published by Noel Castree and Bruce Braun in 2001. [CASTREE, Noel and BRAUN, B., Social nature …   Wikipedia

  • social change — ▪ sociology Introduction       in sociology, the alteration of mechanisms within the social structure, characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behaviour, social organizations, or value systems.       Throughout the historical… …   Universalium

  • Social sciences — The social sciences comprise academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals including anthropology, communication studies, criminology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology …   Wikipedia

  • Social vulnerability — Research on social vulnerability to date has stemmed from a variety of fields in the natural and social sciences. Each field has defined the concept differently, manifest in a host of definitions and approaches (Blaikie, Cannon et al. 1994;… …   Wikipedia

  • SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF ANCIENT ISRAEL — the source methods hebrew society prior to the rise of israel in canaan the pre monarchic period tribal and sub tribal units institutions social changes urbanization changes in the tribal system the monarchy and the tribal system national class… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • social control — A term widely used in sociology to refer to the social processes by which the behaviour of individuals or groups is regulated. Since all societies have norms and rules governing conduct (a society without some such norms is inconceivable) all… …   Dictionary of sociology

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