social management

social management
социальный аспект управления social mobility социальная мобильность social modelling социальное моделирование social modernization социальное развитие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "social management" в других словарях:

  • Social pedagogy — is an academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care. The term pedagogy originates from the Greek pais (child) and agein (to bring up, or lead), with the prefix social emphasising that upbringing is not only …   Wikipedia

  • Management — Le management[1] ou la gestion est l ensemble des activités d organisation et de gestion de l entreprise et de son personnel. Dans un souci d optimisation, le périmètre de référence s est constamment élargi. La problématique du management s… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Social accounting — (also known as social and environmental accounting, corporate social reporting, corporate social responsibility reporting, non financial reporting, or sustainability accounting) is the process of communicating the social and environmental effects …   Wikipedia

  • Social enterprise — Social enterprises are social mission driven organizations which trade in goods or services for a social purpose. Their aim to accomplish targets that are social and environmental as well as financial is often referred to as having a triple… …   Wikipedia

  • Management — in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or… …   Wikipedia

  • Social Return on Investment — Social Return on Investment, or SROI is an attempt to measure the social and financial value created by a non profit, NGO or business. It has not been proven to drive increased investment, but it is popular with academics and some consultancies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Management Development Institute — Motto Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam (Sanskrit) from the Gita 2:50 Motto in English Pefection in action is Yoga An act becomes perfect when you do it with all joy and without expecting anything in return …   Wikipedia

  • social service — social service, adj. organized welfare efforts carried on under professional auspices by trained personnel. [1850 55] * * * Introduction also called  welfare service,  or  social work,         any of numerous publicly or privately provided… …   Universalium

  • Management Center Innsbruck — (MCI) Devise Nous accompagnons les personnes motivées Nom original L’université entrepreneuriale® Informations Fondation 1995/96 Type institution universitaire de façon grande école Régime linguistique allemand, anglais …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Social risk management — (SRM) is a new conceptual framework assigned and designed by the World Bank cite web | last = Holzmann | first = Robert | coauthors = Lynne Sherburne Benz and Emil Tesliuc | title = Social Risk Management: The World Bank Approach to Social… …   Wikipedia

  • Social determinants of health — are the economic and social conditions under which people live which determine their health. They are societal risk conditions , rather than individual risk factors that either increase or decrease the risk for a disease, for example for… …   Wikipedia

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