social groups
Смотреть что такое "social groups" в других словарях:
Popular Unions of Bipartisan Social Groups — Infobox Greek Political Party party name = Popular Unions of Bipartisan Social Groups Λαϊκές Ενώσεις Υπερκομματικών Κοινωνικών Ομάδων party articletitle= Popular Unions of Bipartisan Social Groups party logo = leader = Konstantinos Dalios… … Wikipedia
conflict of social groups — socialinių grupių konfliktas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sunkiai išsprendžiamų prieštaravimų, nesuderinamų tendencijų susidūrimas tarp socialinių grupių, siekiančių skirtingų tikslų (pvz., konfliktas tarp sportininkų… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Social construction of technology — (also referred to as SCOT) is a theory within the field of Science and Technology Studies (or Technology and society). Advocates of SCOT that is, social constructivists argue that technology does not determine human action, but that rather, human … Wikipedia
Social psychology (psychology) — Social psychology is the scientific study of how people s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others (Allport, 1985). By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of… … Wikipedia
Social Dominance Theory — is a social psychological theory of group conflict which describes human society as consisting of oppressive group based hierarchical structures. According to the theory, individual people possess varying levels of preference for social dominance … Wikipedia
Social movement — Social movements are a type of group action. They are large groupings of individuals and/or organizations focused on specific political or social issues, in other words, on carrying out, resisting or undoing a social change. Modern Western social … Wikipedia
Social relation — can refer to a multitude of social interactions, regulated by social norms, between two or more people, with each having a social position and performing a social role. In sociological hierarchy, social relation is more advanced than behavior,… … Wikipedia
Social Darwinism — is a term commonly used for theories of society that emerged in England and the United States in the 1870s, seeking to apply the principles of Darwinian evolution to sociology and politics.[1] It especially refers to notions of struggle for… … Wikipedia
Social identity — is a theory formed by Henri Tajfel and John Turnercite book|last=Tajfel|first=Henri|coauthors=Turner, John|title=The Social Psychology of Intergroup Relations|editor=Austin, William G.; Worchel, Stephen|publisher=Brooks Cole|location=Monterey,… … Wikipedia
Social identity complexity — Social Identity Complexity: Who is We ? Given the recognition that individuals belong to multiple social groups, with multiple corresponding social identities, an important question to be addressed is how individuals combine these group… … Wikipedia
Social organisation — Social organization or social institution, refers to a group of social positions, connected by social relations, performing a social role. It can also be defined in a narrower sense as any institution in a society that works to socialize the… … Wikipedia