Смотреть что такое "sob-stuff" в других словарях:
sob stuff — noun a sentimental story (or drama) of personal distress; designed to arouse sympathy • Syn: ↑sob story • Hypernyms: ↑narrative, ↑narration, ↑story, ↑tale * * * noun : a sob story or other material designed to make a sentimen … Useful english dictionary
sob-stuff — /ˈsɒb stʌf/ (say sob stuf) noun Colloquial sentimental matter as in literature, in the cinema, a story of bad luck, etc., designed to arouse the emotions …
sob stuff — Over sentimentalised story, film, etc … A concise dictionary of English slang
sob story — noun a sentimental story (or drama) of personal distress; designed to arouse sympathy • Syn: ↑sob stuff • Hypernyms: ↑narrative, ↑narration, ↑story, ↑tale * * * noun, pl ⋯ ries [count] informal : a sad story about yourself t … Useful english dictionary
sob — 1. adjective /sɒb,sɑb/ a) sentimental or melancholy to a great degree (one degree further being sobby ); almost but not quite schmaltzy. Five minutes into the movie and shes already crying; typical sob stuff. b) sad, depressing. Tell me a sob… … Wiktionary
sob — v. & n. v. (sobbed, sobbing) 1 intr. draw breath in convulsive gasps usu. with weeping under mental distress or physical exhaustion. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by out) utter with sobs. 3 tr. bring (oneself) to a specified state by sobbing (sobbed… … Useful english dictionary
SOB — v. & n. v. (sobbed, sobbing) 1 intr. draw breath in convulsive gasps usu. with weeping under mental distress or physical exhaustion. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by out) utter with sobs. 3 tr. bring (oneself) to a specified state by sobbing (sobbed… … Useful english dictionary
Madhyamam Daily — Madhyamam is a Malayalam daily newspaper established in 1987 . The name Madhyamam comes from a Malayalam word madhyamam which is the translation of media . Madhyamam has its core readership in the Malabar Muslim community. Madhyamam now has seven … Wikipedia
sentimentality — n emotionalism, gushiness, mawkishness, maudlinism, maudlinness, sentimentalism; emo tiveness, emotivity, play on or appeal to the emotions, melodrama, melodramatics, dramatics, theatrics, playacting; corniness, hokiness, affectation; bathos,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
narration — noun 1. a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events; presented in writing or drama or cinema or as a radio or television program his narrative was interesting Disney s stories entertain adults as well as… … Useful english dictionary
mush — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. porridge, pottage, oatmeal, cereal; pap, sop, corn (sl.); informal, sentimentality, emotionalism, romance. See feeling, softness, food. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Boiled meal] Syn. Indian meal, hasty… … English dictionary for students