
ˈsəupɪ прил.
1) мыльный
2) разг. вкрадчивый, елейный мыльный намыленный, покрытый мылом;
в мыле напоминающий мыло (по запаху, виду, вкусу) - * potatoes нерассыпчатый картофель (разговорное) елейный, льстивый (разговорное) сентиментальный (о пьесе и т. п.) - * drama душещипательная драма soapy разг. елейный, вкрадчивый ~ мыльный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "soapy" в других словарях:

  • Soapy — Soap y, a. [Compar. {Soapier}; superl. {Soapiest}.] 1. Resembling soap; having the qualities of, or feeling like, soap; soft and smooth. [1913 Webster] 2. Smeared with soap; covered with soap. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • soapy — slick, *fulsome, oily, unctuous, oleaginous …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • soapy — ► ADJECTIVE (soapier, soapiest) 1) containing or covered with soap. 2) of or like soap. 3) unpleasantly flattering and ingratiating. 4) informal characteristic of a soap opera …   English terms dictionary

  • soapy — [sō′pē] adj. soapier, soapiest 1. covered with or containing soap; lathery 2. of, like, or characteristic of soap 3. Informal of, like, or characteristic of a soap opera 4. Slang suave; unctuous; oily soapily adv. soapiness n …   English World dictionary

  • soapy — soapily, adv. soapiness, n. /soh pee/, adj., soapier, soapiest. 1. containing or impregnated with soap: soapy water. 2. covered with soap or lather: soapy dishes. 3. of the nature of soap; resembling soap: a soft, soapy fiber. 4. pertaining to or …   Universalium

  • soapy — UK [ˈsəʊpɪ] / US [ˈsoʊpɪ] adjective Word forms soapy : adjective soapy comparative soapier superlative soapiest 1) a) covered in soap, or containing soap soapy hands b) similar to soap This bread has a soapy taste. 2) not sincere a soapy… …   English dictionary

  • soapy — soap|y [ soupi ] adjective 1. ) covered in soap or containing soap: soapy hands a ) similar to soap: This bread has a soapy taste. 2. ) MAINLY BRITISH not sincere: a soapy voice/tone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • soapy — [[t]so͟ʊpi[/t]] soapier, soapiest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Something that is soapy is full of soap or covered with soap. Wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water before handling any food. ...the soapy plates …   English dictionary

  • soapy — adjective 1 containing soap: warm soapy water 2 like soap: This cheese is kind of soapy tasting. 3 BrE informal so pleasant that it seems false: Joan reads those awful soapy romances. soapiness noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • soapy — adjective a) resembling soap A soapy taste. b) resembling a soap opera soapy water …   Wiktionary

  • soapy — soap|y [ˈsəupi US ˈsoupi] adj 1.) containing soap ▪ hot soapy water 2.) like soap ▪ a rock with a soapy feel …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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