

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "soap-thickened" в других словарях:

  • Dropping point — The dropping point of a soap thickened lubricating grease is the temperature at which it passes from a semi solid to a liquid state under specific test conditions. It is an indication of the type of thickener used, and a measure of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Grease (lubricant) — Although the word grease originally described the rendered fat of animals, the term is now applied more broadly to mean a lubricant of higher initial viscosity than oil, consisting originally of a calcium, sodium or lithium soap jelly emulsified… …   Wikipedia

  • napalm — /nay pahm/, n. 1. a highly incendiary jellylike substance used in fire bombs, flamethrowers, etc. v.t. 2. to drop bombs containing napalm on (troops, a city, or the like). [1940 45, Amer.; NA(PHTHENE) + PALM(ITATE)] * * * Organic compound, the… …   Universalium

  • Field ration — A French Army combat ration, with two meals and energy bars. A field ration, or combat ration, is a canned or pre packaged meal, easily prepared and eaten, transported by military troops on the battlefield. They are distinguished from regular… …   Wikipedia

  • angiosperm — /an jee euh sperrm /, n. Bot. a plant having its seeds enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant. Cf. gymnosperm. [ANGIO + SPERM] * * * ▪ plant Introduction       any member of the more than 300,000 species of flowering plants (division Anthophyta) …   Universalium

  • En pointe — Dancing on pointe, or en pointe (pronounced IPA|/ɑ̃ pwɛ̃t/, often anglicised as IPA|/ɑn pwɛ̃t/ or IPA|/ɑn pɔɪnt/), is the act of standing on the tips of the toes while performing steps from ballet. Also known as pointe work, it is performed using …   Wikipedia

  • Atopic dermatitis — Classification and external resources Atopic dermatitis ICD 10 L20 …   Wikipedia

  • Nigeria — Nigerian, adj., n. /nuy jear ee euh/, n. a republic in W Africa: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British colony and protectorate. 107,129,469; 356,669 sq. mi. (923,773 sq. km). Cap.: Abuja. Official name, Federal Republic of… …   Universalium

  • Catenary — This article is about the mathematical curve. For other uses, see Catenary (disambiguation). Chainette redirects here. For the wine grape also known as Chainette, see Cinsaut. A hanging chain forms a catenary …   Wikipedia

  • Napalm — For other uses, see Napalm (disambiguation). An Ecuadorian Air Force IAI Kfir airplane drops napalm on a target during Dominic Blue Horizon , a US Ecuador joint military exercise. Napalm is a thickening/gelling agent generally mixed with gasoline …   Wikipedia

  • Improvised weapons — are devices that were not designed to be used as weapons but can be put to that use. They are generally used for self defence or where the person is otherwise unarmed. In some cases improvised weapons are commonly used by attackers in street… …   Wikipedia

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