snuff out

snuff out

1) потушить (свечу) Snuff out the candles, it's time to go to bed. ≈ Потушите свечи, время спать. Syn : blow out
2) , go out
12) , put out
2) разг. разрушить;
подавить The citizens' plan was quickly snuffed out by the military rulers. ≈ План горожан был быстро отвергнут военными правителями.
3) разг. убивать The soldiers had orders to snuff out any enemy guards. ≈ У солдат был приказ убивать всех вражеских охранников.
4) разг. умереть Did you hear old Charlie snuffed out last week? ≈ Ты слышал, что старина Чарли умер на прошлой неделе? задуть (свечу) (разговорное) разрушать;
подавлять - to * smb.'s hopes разрушить чьи-либо надежды - to * a rebellion (opposition) подавить восстание (оппозицию) (разговорное) умереть, испустить дух - you mustn't * yet вам еще рано умирать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snuff out" в других словарях:

  • snuff out — (something) to put an end to something. The bomber triggered his explosion and snuffed out the lives of 167 innocent people in that building. Before he could reach the top in his career, a scandal almost snuffed it out. Etymology: based on the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • snuff out — index obliterate, stifle, strangle Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • snuff out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms snuff out : present tense I/you/we/they snuff out he/she/it snuffs out present participle snuffing out past tense snuffed out past participle snuffed out 1) snuff out or snuff to make a flame stop burning by… …   English dictionary

  • snuff out — 1) PHRASAL VERB To snuff out something such as a disagreement means to stop it, usually in a forceful or sudden way. [V n P] Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out... [V P n (not pron)] The recent rebound… …   English dictionary

  • snuff out — verb 1. put an end to; kill (Freq. 1) The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children • Syn: ↑extinguish • Derivationally related forms: ↑extinction (for: ↑extinguish), ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • snuff out — phr verb Snuff out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑candle, ↑flame …   Collocations dictionary

  • snuff out something — snuff out (something) to put an end to something. The bomber triggered his explosion and snuffed out the lives of 167 innocent people in that building. Before he could reach the top in his career, a scandal almost snuffed it out. Etymology: based …   New idioms dictionary

  • snuff out — Synonyms and related words: blow out, cash in, check out, choke, conk, croak, damp, die, douse, drop, extinguish, kick in, kick off, out, pass out, pop off, put down, put out, quash, quell, quench, silence, slack, smother, snuff, squash, squelch …   Moby Thesaurus

  • snuff (out) —    to kill    Like extinguishing a candle:     You mean you make sure he doesn t go off like a mad dog, snuffing people left and right, (van Lustbaden, 1983)     I d have snuffed out every life in India. (Fraser, 1975)    To snuff it is to die:… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • snuff out — (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb 1. To cause to stop burning or giving light: douse, extinguish, put out, quench. See CONTINUE. 2. To destroy all traces of: abolish, annihilate, blot out, clear, eradicate, erase, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate,… …   English dictionary for students

  • snuff out — abruptly put an end to. → snuff …   English new terms dictionary

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