
снегоочиститель дор снегоочиститель, снеговой плуг (сельскохозяйственное) снегопах торможение "плугом" (лыжный спорт)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "snowplow" в других словарях:

  • Snowplow — Snow plow , Snowplough Snow plough , n. An implement operating like a plow, but on a larger scale, for clearing away the snow from roads, railways, etc. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snowplow — 1792, first mentioned in a New Hampshire context, from SNOW (Cf. snow) + PLOW (Cf. plow) …   Etymology dictionary

  • snowplow — ☆ snowplow [snō′plou΄ ] n. 1. any bulldozerlike device or machine used to clear snow off a road, railroad, etc. 2. Skiing a stemming of both skis, as for stopping, with the inside ski edges dug into the snow, and the tips of the skis pointed at… …   English World dictionary

  • Snowplow — A snowplow (also spelled snow plow, snowplough or snow plough, see miscellaneous spelling differences) is a vehicle, or a device intended for mounting on a vehicle, for removing snow and sometimes ice from outdoor surfaces, typically those… …   Wikipedia

  • snowplow — /snoh plow /, n. 1. an implement or machine for clearing away snow from highways, railroad tracks, etc. 2. Skiing. a maneuver in which a skier pushes the heels of both skis outward so that they are far apart, as for turning, decreasing speed, or… …   Universalium

  • snowplow — 1. noun a) A vehicle that is used to push snow off surfaces such as roads. b) A device attached to a vehicle to enable it to be used as a snowplow. 2. verb a) To clear (roads, etc) using a snowplow. b) To perform a snowplow in skiing …   Wiktionary

  • snowplow — snow•plow [[t]ˈsnoʊˌplaʊ[/t]] n. 1) an implement or machine for clearing away snow from highways, railroad tracks, etc 2) spo a maneuver in which a skier pushes the heels of both skis outward, as for turning, decelerating, or stopping 3) to clear …   From formal English to slang

  • snowplow — I. noun Date: 1792 1. any of various devices used for clearing away snow 2. a stemming with both skis used for coming to a stop, slowing down, or descending slowly II. intransitive verb Date: 1904 to execute a snowplow < snowplowed to a stop > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • snowplow — snow|plow1 [ snou,plau ] noun count a large vehicle that pushes snow off the road snowplow snow|plow 2 [ snou,plau ] verb intransitive in SKIING, to slow down or stop by pointing the front of your skis toward each other …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Snowplow (sculpture) — Snowplow (1968) is an abstract outdoor sculpture by Mark di Suvero. The sculpture is comprised of a steel plow blade, a rubber tire, and an industrial steel base connecting these elements. Snowplow is located southeast of the parking lot to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Snowplow Game — The Snowplow Game The snowplow being used to clear a spot for a field goal attempt. Miami Dolphins New England Patriots …   Wikipedia

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