Смотреть что такое "snow-making" в других словарях:
snow-making — /ˈsnoʊ meɪkɪŋ/ (say snoh mayking) noun 1. the production of snow with a snow making machine. –adjective 2. of or relating to snow making. Also, snowmaking. –snow maker, noun …
snow-making machine — /ˈsnoʊ meɪkɪŋ məʃin/ (say snoh mayking muhsheen) noun a machine which, depending on the atmospheric conditions, can make artificial snow …
Snow grooming — is the process to manipulate snow for recreational uses, usually using a snow groomer vehicle. This can be a tractor, truck or snowcat towing specialised equipment to move and manipulate snow. The process is used to maintain ski hills and… … Wikipedia
Snow Valley Ski Club — Infobox ski area name= Snow Valley picture= caption= location= Alberta, Canada nearest city= Edmonton lat degrees= 53 lat minutes= 29 lat seconds= 03 lat direction= N long degrees= 113 long minutes= 33 long seconds= 20 long direction= W vertical … Wikipedia
snow flea — noun : a small black leaping springtail (Achorutes nivicolus) often found in early spring on the snow in vast numbers in the eastern United States; broadly : any of several collembolans with similar habits * * * snow flea noun A springtail living … Useful english dictionary
Snow Summit — Infobox ski area name=Snow Summit logo= picture= caption= established=1952 location=Big Bear Lake, CA nearest city=Big Bear Lake top elevation=8200 ft (2499 m) base elevation=7000 ft (2134 m) skiable area=240 acres (0.97 km²) number trails=31… … Wikipedia
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs — Título En España Blancanieves y los siete enanitos En Hispanoamérica Blanca Nieves y los siete enanitos … Wikipedia Español
Snow White and The Madness of Truth — (Swedish: Snövit och sanningens vansinne ) was an item of installation art by Swedish (but Israeli born) composer/musician Dror Feiler and his Swedish wife, artist Gunilla Sköld Feiler. Feiler and Sköld Feiler created the visuals and the music… … Wikipedia
Snow Crash — Cover of the U.S. paperback version … Wikipedia
Snow-White and Rose-Red — (German: Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot ) is a German fairy tale. The best known version is the one collected by the Brothers Grimm as tale number 161. [Jacob and Wilheim Grimm, Grimm s Fairy Tales , [ … Wikipedia
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (ballet) — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a non traditional modern ballet rising from the success of other fairytale ballets such as Cinderella, Coppélia, and Alice in Wonderland.With the direct correlation between classic fairytale ballets and Walt… … Wikipedia